I run into these comparative maps all the time—showing one territory superimposed over another—so I'm gonna start dumping them all into this one thread.

1. Middle East in orange over the US, 1962. https://archive.org/details/howpeopleliveinm00yate_0/page/47
2. Antarctica and Europe on same scale, 1962. https://archive.org/details/exploringmaps00moor/page/74
3. The Battle Fronts Of Europe, ~1917. https://www.loc.gov/resource/g5701s.ct007679/
4. Lil tuckers: South America (and Iowa, Missouri and Illinois), China (and Illinois), Africa (and California), etc. 1877 https://archive.org/details/ost-geography-comprehensivegeo00mont/page/n25
10. The Russian battlefield is shown here superimposed on a map of the U.S. (1943) https://archive.org/details/life15octluce/page/n1077
11. Contiguous U.S., Texas, Ohio, Vermont and (a blobby thing that could be) Rhode Island. https://archive.org/details/geographyfactors0000whit/page/606
12. The East Indies superimposed upon the United States. https://archive.org/details/humangeographyin00rennrich/page/106
13. This one's a bit different. Typically these comparative graphics rely on familiar geographies. In this case it's mostly about size. Areas burned in Chicago and San Francisco fires. https://archive.org/details/historyofearthqu00aitk/page/278
15. Outline map of Australia superimposed on outline of part of North America of same scale, in correct latitude. https://archive.org/details/nationalgeograph30nati/page/476
16. "A graphic idea of the extent of Japan's conquests in China—Territory on Asia's mainland now controlled by Japan shown in the same scale with the United States." New York Times, March 12, 1939.
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