1- If you’re starting uni soon and are doing a theatre degree, especially if you’re working class, I have something to say that I wish someone had said to me... (thread)
2- when people talk about plays they’ve seen, companies they love, directors they admire etc etc and you don’t know what they’re talking about. YOU ARE NOT STUPID.
3- you are not lesser than anyone because you weren’t taken to plays or musicals as a kid/teenager. You have had a different start than a lot of people at university and it isn’t your fault that you weren’t exposed to these things.
4- Be honest about what you don’t know and be inquisitive. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you shouldn’t be there and don’t pretend to be something you aren’t. You offer a different perspective and it’s a perspective the industry needs.
5- Essays are hard. The work is hard. But you are there because you earned your place against the odds. You won’t be perfect from the get go but keep going, you’re there to learn. If you were perfect from day one, you wouldn’t need to be there!
6- Learn about why your voice is important. We NEED working class voices in theatre, watching, making it, producing it etc. Don’t limit your dreams, you are capable of anything. It might be harder than it is for other people but you’re so important!!
7- Finally! Have fun! Uni and the people there can feel a world away from what you know and sometimes it can be lonely. Find people who understand and bring you up instead or put you down. It’s an amazing experience but also if it isn’t for you, that’s fine too! Xox
*of x
8- This thread was finished but I feel that I missed something super important. Working class experiences and perspectives are BEAUTIFUL. They are culturally rich and full of life and laughter. Don’t try and fit a mould because your perspective is valid and GREAT!!
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