Okay, Episode 139 of Pokemon Sun & Moon, this'll be a long one but it goes without saying that this episode has made history, but lets just start by giving a round of applause to the animation AND art style of this series. Just... LOOK AT THIS!! #anipoke
Seriously, say what you will about the art direction, this animation is SO fluid and beautiful, the variety of techniques in this shot ALONE is just SO rewarding to see. As good as XY looked at times, its style simply wasn't sustainable long term for a 3 year long series.
If this wasn't a callback to Volt Tackle then call me crazy, because alongside this, a lot of this episode felt like it called back to Ash's other League battles, the Sinnoh League in particular... this was just SOOO freakin cool!
Its this shot in particular that got me, the parallel of Pikachu pushing himself to his absolute limit and resting on equal terms with his opponent, daring to defy the odds and show his and Ash's growth as Trainer & Pokemon.
In another timeline, this screenshot would've been where the old debate of whether or not Ash is a good trainer, or if the writers suck would've ignited once again. But the lesson we've learned from Ash's defeats was one was already learned 2 weeks ago through Guzma...
Instead, we see 2 rivals standing on equal and fair terms, both had a Legendary, both had a Pokemon of significant value and power... and both are fighting for something important to them.

But there is one key difference that separates them.
...Poor Pikachu looks so sad though, lol.

In all seriousness, it is a valid disappointment that Pikachu didn't win Ash the league... but its sort of because of that fact, that Ash was able to win this time, and we'll get to that.
This is the finals, 1 Pokemon left each... and they break into laughter. They're equals who are enjoying themselves... they're happy, this is a dream come true for both of them.
Fun. They're having FUN - this isn't about winning or losing, the drama of whether or not Ash wins has always been irrelevant, what matters is just this, having fun.
I think the lesson to take away from this is the value of remembering to enjoy what you're invested in, even if you take it seriously, don't forget to smile and ENJOY IT TOO. I love the lesson that's being showcased here.
This wasn't just Ash's battle, as far as a narrative is concerned, he's already a winner in the sense of being a REALLY good sport. But Lycanroc's story isn't done and he's yet to participate in the Alola League proper till now.
A big thing people often forget is that Pokemon isn't just ASH's journey, its also his Pokemon's and in SM, they've all had their own story arcs and this moment is the climax to Lycanroc's. His chance to prove himself to his fellow kin.
Honestly its at this point that its obvious from a narrative stand point that Ash is gonna win, not just because of other factors we'll get to, but cause it'd be very weird narrative to make Lycanroc just.. live in Midnight's shadow forever.
Type Wild, has been a song routinely associated with some of Ash's greatest moments since its inception and to see it used here to highlight this climax... again it invokes so many memories of the Sinnoh League in particular.
...This was just a really cool shot, honestly speaking the animation in this fight wasn't THE BEST EVER, but it definite was fun... though oddly heavy music that made the whole thing have so much dread to keep things tense.
This was SO COOL though! Like jeez... what a clever way to depict "Hurt Itself In Confusion" and yet also use it as a clever fake out... the Alola League loves doing that lol
This is the shot that changed history, whether or not you think Ash got off too easy... this was Lycanoc's battle to win, and as someone who was invested in this whole series, i can say its nice to see Lycanroc's journey come (literal) full circle.
Keep in mind that this man met Ash as a child due to Time Travel and made this League in hopes of allowing Ash to achieve his dream... literally at least 15 years of his life led up to this moment... I am so happy for this man.
Imagine being 10 yourself and seeing Ash lose the Kanto League and now, 20 years later, being able to see this sequence of words, and just... taking in this moment of sheer joy to finally see a dream be achieved.
A thing about Ash is he's always been a projectionary character, someone we the audience can see ourselves in. Though in a bit I'll expand on WHY he won, in THIS exact moment, with that shock on his face, this is both his and also OUR victory as well...
For Ash in particular, having his mother and Prof. Oak, the 2 people who helped first get his started on his journey get to witness this with their own eyes and not just off a TV is the moment specifically for Ash and... its just a sweet detail.
Here's the thing about the Alola League compared to other leagues. The prize for this was a chance to battle the Masked Royal, other Leagues had vague details of a Champions League, but nothing actually critical to the plot of the show beyond wish fulfillment...
Again, invokes so many feelings of previous leagues, Gladion is a true sport and was Ash's proper rival. Ash has never lost the "final" battle to his MAIN Rivals, (Gary, Paul, Shootie, Shouta) which is an another factor that makes this victory not surprising, at least to me...
The thing is, despite the many factors making it "obvious" he'd win, Ash's victory was still earned, watching the entire Sun & Moon anime we saw someone who worked hard daily and love his Pokemon and this acknowledgment is just... the chef's kiss to all of that.
This is a detail that'll be very easily overlooked, but a deciding factor in why Ash won wasn't simply because it was "finally" his time. This was Lycanroc's victory too, but going back to the Prize for winning, Ash didn't win just to further his own dreams...
It was for Torracat's dreams. Torracat idolized the Masked Royal and his Incineroar, a chance to battle him on equal terms is what drives him... and this is the first time Ash has truly had a REASON to win the League, and it was for his own Pokemon and not himself.
Again... practically calling back to previous leagues, moments like this are always the absolute best and are a big reason why I love this series.
Also uh ohhhhh... Mama bear got wise to Team Rocket... seriously, their goodbye is gonna destroy me emotionally.
To e at this moment, where Ash is the winner this time is still so surreal... and its weird because I called this but also its so...earned this time. The story gave him a reason to win and I love that.
WHO IS THE MASKED ROYAL?! ...but in all seriousness. This moment is so special, not JUST because once again Ash is "finally" winning a league, but because as far as the story is concerned, this is the perfect conclusion to 3 years of storylines.
Prof Kukui is an amazing character in this series because all of this was in service of helping someone achieve their dreams. They ended up helping each other, even if Ash never truly realizes it.
This is just cute... its just a trophy, that in itself doesn't matter, what matters is WHY he won and what this means. Ash won but the journey isn't over, he's still working towards Torracat's dream.
This is a moment that single handily united so many people within the Pokemon community during a time with bitterness and anger riddled it... its a shared victory that only happened because Ash had a reason to win and its a reason I don't want people to overlook.
Ash won the Alola League because he wanted to help his Pokemon achieve their dreams. They've deliberately avoided defining what IS a Pokemon Master and if you ask me... I think the answer to that is right in front of us.

THIS is a Pokemon Master, Ash Ketchum / Satoshi.
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