its full moon

let me tell you a story that lost to the dust of history, now exists only in dreams and other planes and dimensions.

the story of those who live before us, homo sapiens
15 millions of years ago, there was a race of higher interdimensional beings arrived on earth from a star far far away

they are somewhat connected to their ancestors that inhabited the earth 2 billions years ago, but that's another story

they found Earth as their new home
they take form of being by descending their vibrational level to attune with the material plane, practically put their origin behind and took shape of a new one, they attempted to make earth as their new home, and let themselves to be called the natives of earth
they're retaining their humanoid form, as humanoid form is considered the most perfect pattern of a living being by The Creator of The Universe Himself

and so after they finally attuned to material plane, a new race was born

Hyperboreans, the humans before humans
The Hyperboreans built their first city in the far north, now lost into the dust of time.

for the first thousands of millenia, they live in relative peace.

time and place caused them to become more diverse and thus, Hyperboreans was split into 8 different nations
among the 8 nations, there were only two nations that finally able to reemerge from the dust of time and planted their existence into the humans long after they gone


for the Atlanteans has able to retaining most of their Hyperborean roots and origins, the 7 other nations agreed that Atlantis is their Patron Nation.

Thus the Forum of 8 Nations was conceived to settle things and affairs between the nations
Thus a temple was built, to held the meetings between the elders from the 8 nations. The location of the temple was [REDACTED] and surprisingly, it survives the trials of time and humans still able to visit it even until now
for countless of millenia, the 8 nations lives in harmony.

until someday, an alien race of invaders from a star, far far away, seeking to conquer the Earth, expanding the dominion, put a siege on Earth

thus it sparked a great war
for some time, Earth was able to put a stiff defense, thanks to the solidarity between the 8 nations, lead by the eldest of the nations

the invaders recognized the importance of Atlantis, they commenced a genocide campaign against Atlantis

they poisoned their water supplies
they made the people sterile, unable to conceive offsprings anymore
they destroyed their sources of food
they kill any atlanteans on sight
and their final attempt, they made the earth trembles and sank the entire continent of Atlantis into the depth of the ocean, pushing further into the Earth's blazing mantle.

billions of Atlantean vanished simultaneously, only 319 survives including 5 small childrens and toddlers
the 319 survivors sought refugee at the temple of the 8 nations forum, the following meeting was concluded with agreement to make the temple as the refugee camp for the remaining Atlanteans

The emperor of Atlantis was dead, so the only remaining Elder took charge of the refugees
as the war against the Alien invaders keep raging, now that Atlantis was out from the game, the Alien invaders able to gain a foothold on Earth's surface and the real great war has begun

millions of soldiers from both competing parties fought everywhere on the earth's surface
as the war keeps raging, the remaining Atlanteans attempted to rebuild their nation to no avail. No Atlanteans able to conceive any offsprings anymore

they put the hopes of their nation's future on the remaining 5 Atlantean toddlers
in the meantime, the last atlantean elder was dying, due to old age and poisonings, in his deathbed, he trusted the nation to the last surviving military leader

alas, it was too due to the alien poisoning, as time progress, the remaining toddlers passed away one by one
when the last Atlantean children dies, so dies the hope of the future of their nation

when the burial ceremony was held for the last children, the last surviving military leader, now Emperor of Atlantis in Refugee assembled and marched their people to their final blaze of glory
the Emperor in exile spoke to the leaders of the other 7 nations, that their people wishes to do one final mission

Last Stand

other leaders expressed objections but they have no power to stop the Emperor from marching his remaining people into their final blaze of glory
the Emperor in refugee assembled his remaining 313 people, men, women, young, old, all take up arms and armed to the teeth, ready to put one final mission

to die in blaze of glory

and so the ragtag group of the Atlantean refugees marched into the Battlefield
eerily familiar to a certain last man standing performed by King Leonidas of Sparta, the last Emperor of Atlantis marched into the battle with his ragtag group of what remains of Atlantean troops

male, female, young, middle-aged, old, all marched together into the battlefield
they met the invading alien troops in a field, millions of them.

300 atlanteans against 3 millions alien invaders

they charged into the carnage for their final blaze of Glory

they will not go down without a fight
they fight with their guns.
when guns failed them, they fight with their swords
when swords failed them, they fight with their bare hands
when hands failed them, they fight with their teeth
when teeth failed them, they fight with their words

until the last blood
until the only remaining was the Emperor himself, standing above the corpses of his people and his enemies, heavily wounded and bleeding

however, he was full of rage, the rage keep him stands firm, ready for one final one-man assault before he finally embrace the death
so great his rage, that the wounds seems to have no effects on him

he ran towards the enemies, for his final one-man assault

however, there was a turn of events
the military leaders from other nations put down their weapons for a moment and realizing the situation. they immediately gathered and restraining the emperor from suicide and evacuate him to a safe place. the Emperor, still full of rage has to be put into sleep to calm him down.
the Emperor was brought to the temple, his wound was so severe that it has to be healed immediately. for some nights, the Emperor sleeps, while recovering from the scars and wounds from his final battle
then when he was awaken, he was greeted by the sight of his grieving colleagues from other nations, telling him that his people was no more and he was the only remaining Atlantean

the Emperor fell down to its knees, and unleash a loud scream, so loud that it shatters the sky
a meeting was held, and it was decided to keep the 8 nations forum in effect, as long as the 8 nations still exists

even when one of the nations has only 1 person remaining
the war was so great, it put the entire planet on fire, almost no cities remaining intact. both the 8 nations and invaders suffered massive casualties

it was decided to put a truce between the fighting parties, practically ending the war on a truce, still in effect until now
after the truce, the remaining nations felt that their end is imminent, and for the final 400 years after the end of the war, they prepared everything so that no traces of them remained in the next world arisen from their ashes
and, sometime in 3 millions years ago, the Earth pushed her Reset Button. wiping out everything alive and remains on her surface. practically erasing the remains of the 8 nations. how it was done is still in mystery. awaiting to be unearthed

that was the end of Hyperborean Era
this thread is brought to you by The Last Atlantean whom at its own discretion gave me permissions to tell the stories of its people

The Last Atlantean sent me this through Whatsapp to be forwarded for human beings out there to read his stories, all in these 10 runes.
this thread was made under permission of and supported by :

The Last Atlantean / The Last Emperor of Atlantis / [REDACTED] now lives as a normal human in the Human Metropolitan City of Jakarta
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