🍁Coincidence? Or Corruption?🍁

1) Canadians need to understand what's really happening within our country's political system.
2) Let's take a look at an article from The Globe and Mail from June 6th, 2017. This article leads to some very stunning conclusions.
4) Dragon's Den/Shark Tank host Kevin O'Leary was a contender in the Conservative Party's leadership election. He called for a recount of the vote.
5) Apparently, some party members and officials did not receive ballots. How many of them there were hasn't yet been determined.
6) Immediately after the vote count, the ballots were destroyed and we were told that there would be no review.
7) There was a very significant discrepancy of 7,466 ballots in the vote count that Maxime Bernier's team drew attention to. It was passed off as a "data entry issue".
8) Former Conservative Cabinet Minister Jay Hill was Bernier's co-chair in Western Canada. He also called for transparency.
9) It was met with a shrug and a hollow apology.
10) This is where it starts to get really interesting. There is a company called Deloitte who was supposed to be in charge of auditing the ballot count. They provide audit, consulting, tax, and advisory services worldwide.
11) It appears, however, as though they didn't actually do an audit. They merely "oversaw" the ballot count.
12) Mr. Scheer's office flat out refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong, and that's where the article ends. But that's definitely not where this story ends.
13) Many people are familiar with the name David Johnston. He was Canada's Governor General from 2010-2017.
14) David Johnston has been involved with Deloitte for several years. He was featured on the cover of a document from a subsidiary of Deloitte called Omnia AI. It's safe to say that Deloitte and Omnia AI think quite highly of David Johnston.
15) So much so that they made him an Executive Advisor on October 17, 2017.
16) Their mission statement is fairly cryptic. What is with these people and their trans-humanist/AI obsession?
17) Many of these ultra shady elites are into funding and developing AI. Amazing Polly ( @99freemind) highlights Jeffrey Epstein's involvement, and James Corbett's "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" goes deeper into the subject. I highly recommend looking those up, but I digress.
18) Apparently, Deloitte has had other accusations in Canada of meddling in audits.
19) It was highlighted by Andrew Coyne in the National Post that the Canadian dairy industry was essentially responsible for the additional votes required to give Scheer the fractional win. Deloitte clearly provided the smoke screen for the cover-up.
20) Again, this is not where the story ends. In fact, it gets even worse. Let's look a little more closely at David Johnston. He's pictured here with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. These people sure get around!
21) On Oct 30, 2018, the Liberal Government changed the criteria for the federal election debates, effectively blocking Maxime Bernier from being able to participate, even though he's the leader of a federal party. All the other leaders are able to debate. https://www.canada.ca/en/democratic-institutions/news/2018/10/the-leaders-debates-commission.html
22) The very same day, the Liberal Government picked David Johnston to head the newly formed federal debate commission. He has the power to decide whether Mr. Bernier speaks or not. None of the other leaders have publicly questioned it.
23) Now, where else can we find David Johnston’s name? How about the Trudeau Foundation member's list for 2018 and 2019?
24) David Johnston has a charity of his own called the Rideau Hall Foundation. It was started in 2012 to ostensibly carry out "Johnston’s vision of a smart, caring nation", according to its website.
25) It is interesting, however, that Trudeau's Government gave the Rideau Hall Foundation $10M on September 28, 2017.
27) Not only was David Johnston hand-picked by Trudeau's Government for the debates, so was the media who will be covering them.
28) CBC and Radio-Canada are both funded by the federal government.
29) CTV is owned by AT&T, which also owns Time-Warner, which is the parent company of CNN.
30) Global is run by Chorus, which is run by the Shaw's. Shaw is a sponsor of Canada 2020.
31) The Toronto Star was recently named as one of the Three Amigos by counterterrorism expert Tom Quiggin. I strongly suggest looking this up! This is a separate, yet related rabbit hole. It's deep, dark, and dirty!!
32) The Huffington Post is every bit as far to the left as the CBC and Toronto Star.
33) La Presse is controlled by the Desmarais family. One could also do a separate thread on this family. They, along with families like the Bronfmans, make up a large percentage of the Canadian swamp. Hardly surprising that the Desmarais family funds both parties.
34) La Devoir is a Quebec nationalist publication and they're as friendly to the Liberal Party as it gets. The the Editor in Chief, Luce Julien, is also the news director for Radio-Canada.
35) L'actualité is owned by Maclean-Hunter, which is owned by Rogers, which is another sponsor of Canada 2020.
36) Former Conservative PM, Brian Mulroney, made a very interesting speech at a conference for Canada 2020. He clearly states that the cooperation between the Liberals and the Conservatives and the continuity of their efforts has led Canada to the place it's in today.
37) So let's recap.
-Canada's former Gov Gen is an executive advisor to Deloitte, who ok'd the election results for Scheer.
-He is a member of the Trudeau Foundation.
-He was hand picked to oversee the debates.
-His charity was given $10M from Trudeau's Government.
38) -The media groups selected are all either far-left, Liberal controlled, government funded, sponsors of Canada 2020, run by the establishment corporations, or a combination thereof.
39) Is it clear now? The corruption is real and it's rampant! Both parties are controlled! These problems didn't start with Trudeau and they won't end with Scheer. Is there any doubt as to why Maxime Bernier and the PPC are ignored and/or trashed by the media?
40) They will keep doing this as long as we let them. They write laws to protect themselves and we blindly follow them, allowing this corruption to continue. How long will we let them get away with this?
41) As soon as we figure out that the game is fixed and that we don't have to follow their rules, we can take our country back. Until then, we will be trampled on.
42) The ONLY way we can do that is through the PPC. After that, it's the old fashioned way.
43) If you have a few more minute, check this out! https://twitter.com/greg_scott84/status/1219031347945078784?s=19
You can follow @greg_scott84.
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