When we start to set boundaries for ourselves,
It’s common to think we’re committing a selfish act.

Really? It is one of the most selfless things we can do.

It grants us the blessing of not having to resent those we Love,
Because it shows them the lines they should not cross.
If we don’t set clear (or any) boundaries with those we love the most,
They have no idea when they’re crossing lines with us,
Which leads us to build anger/resent toward them,
Which leads us to push them away,
Which ruins relationships.

Healthy Love without boundaries is a myth.
Boundaries aren’t ‘walls’, either.
We aren’t shutting people out.

I picture them as ‘lines in the sand,’
Which can be easily crossed if the person consciously chooses to disrespect you,
Step over,
But in that case,
Why are they still allowed on your ‘beach’ anyways?
So, if boundaries are ‘lines in the sand’,
It doesn’t seem fair to say someone disrespected you if you pick up a twig & draw an almost invisible line.

Grab the whole branch.
Dig it in.
It needs to be evident,
In plain sight,
To discern who genuinely respects them & who doesn’t.
We deserve Respect from those we Love.

But if we don’t make it evident to others what makes us feel disrespected,
Whether disrespect was the intent or not,
We don’t allow others the opportunity to show us our definition of Respect,
& We don’t allow ourselves to be Respected.
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