Eijirou goes missing a few months after graduation. Its terrible for Katsuki because he had finally got the guts to ask Ei out, having a crush on the boy for awhile now. He thought after they graduated they could start pro hero work together and maybe even move in together.
Katsuki is happy, genuinely happy, with Ei by his side as he climbs the ranks for the #1 spot. As his roommate, partner, best friend, and now boyfriend, Eijirou is everything to him.
But it all goes wrong when one night Ei doesnt come back from his patrol. And at first Katsuki thinks maybe they're understaffed, but when he doesn't hear anything from the redhead several hours later, the curdling feeling in his belly worsens.
When Katsuki goes down to the agency at 1am his heart is racing. Theres only the night staff there so its quiet but the hero there says Eijirou went home hours ago.

Which is definitely the answer Katsuki did not want to hear.
He tries calling Eijirou again but it goes straight to voicemail. And his cheery voice on his voice recording just makes the feeling in his belly get worse.

He knows Ei was working with Tetsu at the time so he decides to call him too.
Tetsu said he offered to get dinner with Eijirou but the redhead turned him down saying he wanted to eat at home with Katsuki.

It makes Katsuki sick as he thinks about the dinner he cooked for Ei that's now sitting cold on the dining table.
That was 5 hours ago. Which means Eijirou's last witness saw him 5 fucking hours ago and now who knows where he could be.
Katsuki sprints him. Panic racing through his veins. Hes fucking scared. His mind races to think up every bad scenario that could have happened to his lover. His best friend. To the one thing that makes him /happy/.
He spends the first several weeks working double shifts and on his free time hes investigating. Pulling up any cameras on street corners or office buildings on that day around the time Ei would have been going home. Tries to get a glimpse of the damn redhead.
Hes got the majority of their classmates helping out too. A whole investigation team thats working on finding Red Riot. But they can only keep it on the down low for so long. It hits the news fast. That Eijirou is missing. And of course it causes a scare. But also drama.
And paparazzi follow katsuki around trying to find answers. Posting shitty headlines that "Has Red Riot packed his bags and left his Prince Charming?". It makes Katsuki blow up the whole magazine stand the first time he sees one of those headlines.
They don't understand. The media is playing with Red Riot's absence because Katsuki refuses to announce that hes just vanished without a trace.
Luckily the headlines help him though. He gets a call from a building, surprisingly a coffee shop.
They show him video feed from inside their shop and Katsuki can see Eijirou ordering coffee. 2 cups, one for him and for Katsuki.
But at the very corner of the video feed, once Ei leaves the shop, hes stopped by a beefy looking guy. From the angle Katsuki cant see the top of his face but Ei's head only reaches his chest. He watches Ei step back, on the defensive, and then the big guy is turning away.
And that's the only clue Katsuki gets.
Months go by, and Katsuki's never felt so miserable. It feels like theres a hole in chest. Everything he does reminds him of Ei, everything he looks at. And hes fucking depressed. His home is quiet and empty and he just cant stop blaming himself.
When a couple years go by, his friends finally tell him to stop torturing himself. That Ei's been gone for too long without a ransom note or anything. Theres no sign of his death either though. And that's what Katsuki holds on to.
Izuku, Ochako, Mina and Denki help him though. Always volunteering a couple hours of their week to visit the blond and keep him company.

He makes #1 hero at one point and his friends try to celebrate but all Katsuki does is scowl at them and tell them to piss off.
6 years go by and Katsuki is finally feeling like himself again. Sure, he gets sad at night and sometimes cries in the shower thinking of Eijirou. But other than that, hes gotten better. He spends time with friends on his day off. Sometimes will even go out for drinks after work.
Hes turning 25 this year and Mina is adamant on throwing a party for him. He thinks it's silly but let's her plan it.

He knows hes supposed to enjoy the party and have fun with friends and coworkers but he cant help but wish Eijirou was here to celebrate.
He gets plastered that night and maybe ends up having a one night stand with another pro hero.

He feels super shitty about it until he realizes he hasnt been laid since being with Eijirou. He hasnt been with anyone since Ei. For 6 years.
He still apologizes to Ei in his head before he falls asleep. Still thinks about him when he wakes up and sees their picture on his nightstand.
He moves into a house with the money hes saved up. Gets a dog. Names him Riot. Opens up his own agency. Gets some old classmates to work with him. Even has new UA students asking to intern for him.

Hes successful. He should be happy. He is happy (is what he tells himself).
But when holidays come around he does feel happier. Hes busy, with work and interviews and holiday parties. He loathes the idea of having to go Christmas shopping for his friends and coworkers but does it anyway.
Deku throws a Christmas Eve party at his place and Katsuki attends. He wont admit it, but he had a fun time. With the silly games and the spiked egg nog and the gingerbread house making contest.

It was the first time he felt genuinely happy.
It's late when he gets home. Way past his bedtime. Hes tired and most definitely drunk and hes got a an arm full of gifts from his friends. But he walks home because he doesnt live far from Deku and he refused to drive such a short distance.
But as he steps up to his house, theres something on his doorstep.

A huge present sits directly in the center. Its a big box, wrapped with a bright red paper and a black bow on it.

Katsuki will admit that if he wasnt as drunk as he was he would have been more suspicious.
But he side steps the present and unlocks the door to his house. Thinking he'll just get to the present afterwards.

He drops his other gifts on the couch and goes to shower.
Hes drunk as hell as he gets into the shower and maybe he ends up throwing up a bit. But he manages to dry himself off and get into his pjs.

He forgets about the gift outside. Doesnt think why it was so big, doesnt question who put it there.

He falls asleep.
When he wakes up, it's surprisingly early. His hangover is minor and hes got good memories of last night.

He thinks this was the best Christmas hes had in awhile.

He groggily goes downstairs to feed the dog and make a cup of coffee and maybe open his presents
Its only 7am but he still wants to open his gifts. But at the thought of them he suddenly remembers the gift with its bright red wrapping and black bow, outside.

Now that hes more coherent hes a little suspicious about it.
He cant imagine who could've got such a big gift on his doorstep when all his good friends were at Deku's Christmas party with him. Thinks just maybe one of them might have snuck it when he was walking home. That maybe it's a stupid gag gift from Hanta.
But when he goes outside to look at the tag on it, he quirks a brow.

'Merry Christmas, Ground Zero. Might want to open this in private. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.'
He squints his eyes, trying to remember who has handwriting like this out of all his colleagues. But the more he looks at it the more a shiver crawls up his spine.

Theres no one.
It's still early out. And its Christmas day so no one is up and out yet. He knows he should probably be more cautious about the whole thing but he convinces himself it's probably just a stupid prank from his friends.
The box is large. And heavy. And Katsuki has no idea what the fuck would be in it.

But he lugs it far enough into the house to shut the door.

The note said to open it indoors and now he thinks its gotta he some dumb prank.
He glares at it. Debating on whether he really should open. But Riot comes over, curious, and starts sniffing at the present. Within a second the dog is whining and pawing at the gift, his tail at alert and hes barking and now Katsuki is really concerned.
He kicks at the box and he hears shuffling from inside.

Oh fucking hell no.

Did someone get him another dog ? It had to be a big one too with how heavy the box was.
Another damn pet. He did not consent to this. Riot was already a handful. And who the fuck leaves a dog in a box for so long ?! He'll beat up the dumbass that thought this gift was a good idea.
Hes cursing and swearing as he ushers Riot into another room to confine him there. He doesnt know what the fuck is in there but if it's a big dog he doesnt want Riot to get hurt.
He doesnt want to open it but at the same time if if is an animal then Katsuki doesnt want to leave it in the box any longer than he has to.

So he opens the box. A scowl on his face as he tears off the pretty red wrapping paper and shiny black bow. Red Riot colors, he thinks.
Hmm I'm debating on something. Help me out.
When Katsuki cuts the tape and pops open the top what he sees makes him stumble backwards in shock.

"W-What the fuck-"

No fucking way. What kind of sick joke is this.

He quickly shakes his shock away though, his hero instincts kicking in as he goes back towards the box.
His hands shake as he confirms what he saw.

A body.

It was a fucking body. A fully exposed, naked body. Curled up and tucked neatly into the box with its arms crossed against its chest. He had to call the cops. Save all the evidence. Any DNA left on the scene. Don't touch.
Tw: Signs of torture, body horror/modification, trauma
"God. What the fuck. What fucking sicko did this. "

Katsuki has had his fair share of stalkers and creeps and villains trying to get revenge. But this was a whole new level.

This was disgusting.
As hes fishing his phone out of his pocket a sick thought crosses his mind and panic sets in.

Would someone send Eijirou like this?

Shakily, he steps closer to stare at the body in the box.
Theres a terrified part of him that doesn't want to look. Not because he's not used to seeing dead bodies but because of the fact it might be a certain dead body. A confirmation.
He pushes down his fear and neasea and relies on his hero instincts and training. He needs to stay calm and professional.

And so he looks at the thin and pale body inside. At the messy black hair and bony shoulders. At the white scars that littered its skin.
And the way it's thin arms tucked against its chest.

And Katsuki can't help but think how the fuck did someone fit a whole body in this box until he realizes that it wasn't a full body. Its legs end right where its knees should be.
Amputation. He feels sick. The obvious healed scars over the stubs are signs that it happened before the victim was killed.

Katsuki curses under his breath.

And then there's subtle movement.
And Katsuki stops breathing all together. Adrenaline kicking in, even more shock coarsing through him as he realizes that its chest moved.

That it's breathing.

It's alive.

Holy fuck.
It's not an /it/ anymore. Not a body sent by some sick freak. But a living, breathing, human being.

Katsuki is going to be sick. He wants to throw up. Wants to think this was all just some strange lucid dream.
But he also wants to find the sick son of a bitch that did this and smash his face into the ground. Because what the actual fuck.

But he's gotta keep it together. Be professional. The victim was alive and he needs to do everything in his power to keep him that way.
"Shit shit shit. Hold on. Fuck. Don't worry. I'm getting help, okay? "

The guy is probably unconscious but Katsuki is still babbling. Even though he's shocked and disgusted, Katsuki has been trained in dealing with victims.

He's a pro hero for Christ sake.
He knows what to do. Even if the situation is completey bizarre.

"Hey, it's okay. you're safe now." he reassures in a quiet voice to not startle the vic, " I'm a hero. You're going to be okay. I'm calling for help right now. I'm here-"
Katsuki's breath catches in his throat when the boy's head moves, tilts down more, tucks into himself. Katsuki can see shivers racking through his naked form. And God, he's probably fucking freezing.
He scrambles to get his phone so he can dial for help while grabbing a blanket off the couch. Katsuki scolds himself, ' fucking idiot, of course he's freezing. He's been in a box all goddamn night. '
"Hey now, let's get you out of here, okay?" Katsuki offers softly, holding the warm blanket in his arms as some sort of offering.

The boy seems to shiver more and Katsuki prays the police get there fast because it seems the guy isn't responding to his voice.
"I'm not going to hurt you but I need to know if you're okay.."

The boy shifts, lifts his head up slightly, just enough for Katsuki to his face and then he's looking up at him.

Gorgeous ruby red eyes.

And Katsuki feels his heart stop.
Those ruby eyes only look at him for a second before he's tucking his head back down like a timid animal.

But it was all Katsuki needed because now he can see Eijirou clear as day.
And his whole world crumbles.
"E-Ei?" Katsuki can't breathe.

Because now that he looks at the man, it all makes sense.

Eijirou and his thick, dark eyelashes. His pouty lips. His black hair that he would always dye that ridiculous red. His fucking scar above his eye.
His hands shake, he feels frozen as he stares at the body curled up in the box. The body he thought was dead a few minutes ago. The man he thought was dead years ago.

His mind is numb as he looks at the man, looks at Eijirou, curled up inside.

He steps closer, his hands hovering over Ei's broken frame, small and scarred and malnourished.

He looks like a broken doll that someone didn't bother to put back together.

This feels like Katsuki's worst nightmare.
He lays a hand on Ei's shoulder, soft and gentle, but Ei recoils as if he's been hit. Tucks into himself even more as his body starts to shake.

Not from the cold. But from fear.
"Help is...on.. the way" his voice cracks.

He inhales and his hands are still hovering over Eijirou, scared to touch, scared to break something. But he still softly drapes the blanket on the thin frame, tucks it around his shoulders and cringes when Ei flinches.
"Eijirou. It's m-me. Katsuki? Dont you remember?" he coaxes, his voice cracking with emotion. He gingerly brings his fingers to Ei's hair, brushes the black strands out of his face.

But Ei just blinks and doesn't say anything.
Katsuki steps back.

And fuck, there's tears in his eyes now. And he's trying his hardest to hold them in. And all he wants to do is scream. At himself, at Eijirou, at the entire situation.

But instead he panics.

Chokes on an inhale and calls Deku.
He practically sobs to him over the phone. Does a terrible job explaining the situation.

Deku, of all people, comforts him. Guides him.

Promises him that he'll be there quick.
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