Ok, 🚨THREAD on what I’ve learned w/networking in the TV/film Industry.

I have 4 “main” mentors, all senior level writer/producers. 3 in Toronto, 1 in LA. 1st 3 started w/me simply reaching out on Twitter, & a Prof I had hooked me up w/the LA guy.

So, my #1 piece of advice is don’t be afraid to hear “NO.” Make cold calls, emails, follow people, tweet them, etc, BUT be willing to accept some or even most may not respond. People are busy.

BUT, there are SO many people who will give you the time of day if approached right!!
Some ways to start, you ask?!

FOLLOW WRITERS. If they have open DMs, send a QUICK msg. Intro yourself, what you wanna do, what you want from them (advice), and always helps to give them a compliment. A GENUINE one.

Plz don’t say “Great hair.” I mean, unless they love hair?
You have to put the effort in. SO many writers are on Twitter/socials. Find their handles. Do the research. Reach out. Show them you’re serious. Show them you’re eager to learn.

So many of them LOVE hearing from young writers!

That said, there are definitely DO’s and DON’Ts...
NEVER and I mean NEVER start off networking w/industry folks by asking them to read something. Ask for advice, tips, even a follow. Great! You should want to make a connection. Not get a handout. They’ll offer to read if they want.

Also, NEVER pitch them ANYTHING. EVER.
Ask for what you want. ONCE you’ve established genuine connections and if there’s mutual respect, then maybe ask them to read. But not hoping for a job. Hoping to gain a fraction of their knowledge. Notes. Things to make you a better writer.

Set the table before you eat.
Make genuine connections. Notice I’m repeating that word? Be true.

LISTEN. LISTEN. LISTEN. To what they say. Don’t seek advice just to take it for granted. Think about what you don’t know or struggle with, ask them for help. This is your chance to get elite feedback. Use it.
This is a biggy. Be grateful for their time and DO. NOT. WASTE. IT. Show your appreciation. Make use of what they give you.

If they agree to a call/coffee, have your questions/thoughts READY.

Know the person. Know their work.

Value and respect their time just as they do yours.
Going off of that, it needs to be a two way street. You should be interested in their journey, their body of work, their stories.

I’ve found it’s AMAZING connecting with writers who create/write for the type of shows you want to write for. They can help you the MOST.
A tip: be YOURSELF. Get a feel for the interaction. Obv be polite & respectful, but it’s not a job interview. You like their tweets, tell them! They make you laugh? Tell them! They wrote your fav ep ever? TELL THEM!

They wrote your least fav ep? Maybe don’t tell them that...
That said, also remember social media does give people a glimpse of who you are. As wannabe TV writers, a big part of getting hired is the fact someone has to want to spend 10+ hours with you in a small room for months on end 😂

Beware of your online brand!
So, you’ve made a connection! Now what? If possible, ask to meet for coffee. Or phone call.

I did a 90 min call w/the co showrunner of my now 2nd favorite show ever about a pilot I was doing. Started with a DM.

I’ll prob be having coffee w/her in a few weeks in Toronto.

Use social media to your advantage. Please! My LA mentor legit said he’s gonna continue to help me bc he think’s I’m a good person (🤷🏾‍♂️) and he likes my tweets. Lol. Yes.

Twitter. Is. A. Tool. Use it. You’ll be shocked who you can connect with & who is willing to help you!
Similar to how much of the industry is luck, so is networking. Got my 1st mentor bc I followed him & we’re both huge NBA fans, & at the time the Heat weren’t great. So he followed back bc he felt bad. Lmao.

That was 3 years ago. He’s read nearly all my work since then. Luck.
STORY TIME: I asked a mentor if he always agrees to help out young writers. He said:

“So many people ask to send me stuff and I’m like yes! Absolutely! And they never do.” He was legitimately disappointed.

Is everyone like this? Obv not. But if you get that chance, take it!

Now, networking is HUGE. However, also be sure you’re doing the work. Lol. Say you network and get a coffee with a Co-EP in LA!! When you get there, they ask to read you. They need a writers’ assistant!! But, ya got nothing. Uh, oops? Big opportunity lost. Be writing!
BONUS TIP: (Just remembered this)

Try reaching out to the lower level writers first! The assistants, story coordinators, (exec) story editors.

2 reasons:

1) They aren’t swamped running a show. Lol. Might have more time. And...

2) They remember the grind!
I love TV writers. For me, they’re what actors/celebs are to most people. Lol. But, they’re people! I know it’s scary and makes you vulnerable and might not work out.

It’s TERRIFYING. I know.

But if you don’t ask, it’s automatically a no. Right? Take. A. Shot.

Reach. Out.
I’ll be in Toronto soon for 14 days. Through networking over years, I’ve penciled in 17+ meetings w/industry writers/producers. Some I know well/have met, some will be 1st time.


You can do it! End of thread.
You can follow @ScriptsByJames.
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