Yo hit me up on Jabber
Yo hit me up on HipChat😂
Yo...you think this chat is encrypted...sure why not - I mean NYET
Wait the FIN7 - they managed a HipChat server
OMG you used consumer grade electronics and you thought it was secure
Sweet Sweet Baby Jesus - I See my favorite NYC attorney represented him - my shocked face 🙄
Sometimes I like to go back and re-read previous research - especially if a birdie whispers in my ear
(not my place to tell you who nudged me)
Huh so on April 1 2020 the Govt filed (under seal) a notice of a related case re Hladyr
Gosh I wonder who that defendant is ...🤔
For now imma gonna leave this thread right here and allow you to draw your own conclusions
Because if my current “murder board”is correct June & July will be the best infrastructure months, EVER
-Nikulin is the gift that keeps giving https://twitter.com/File411/status/1248647521880195073?s=20
You can follow @File411.
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