This is an ad for fascism, holy shit. I think Giuliani sucks, I've been worried about the right's nationalism, etc, but I'm still floored at how explicitly pro-fascist this is. These protesters are protesting fascism, it's on their sign, & this cop is gonna maul them for it. Wtf!
This is an advertisement for suppressive, violent, militaristic, ahistorical ultra-nationalism, and just in case you weren't sure what that means, the ad shows you explicitly. Here it is, it's fascism, & the bad people hate fascism. But you, you good American, you should love it
The idea of brutally beating people who want freedom should make you smirk. You saw the Towers fall. Take out your rage on these protesters who had nothing to do with it. Tell yourself that the terrorists did it because they hate our liberty, just like these antifascist Americans
The Truth Apparent... is that men are perhaps weary of liberty. They have a surfeit of it. Liberty is no longer the virgin, chaste and severe, to be fought for … we have buried the putrid corpse of liberty … the Americ- I mean the Italian people are a race of sheep.
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