Toured a preschool today and when we asked about diversity and inclusion were told: “Well, we don’t go out of our way to promote diversity. But we make sure the Other feels welcome.”
Sat arguing with her in her office for five minutes before my husband and I were like
Said when they reach 1st grade and on, each year has a theme of history they pursue. First Norse stuff. Then Roman. Then Greek.

......are you seeing a pattern here
My mentions are very busy re: this. I’ll say one thing. I see a lot of jokes about “the other” interpreting it as something ghostly (lol because I’m the white woman who almost rented a haunted house, I get it 😂) but the truth is scarier.

The othering of children of color.
This woman made it very clear that she (and the school) considered white children the default. She referred to diversity as “marketing.” This is a school that considers itself progressive & liberal & all those other “nice” things.

This mentality isn’t nice. It’s white supremacy.
One more thing. She told us that teachers would occasionally incorporate stories from “other cultures” if a student from said culture happened to be in the class....
So not only are you tokenizing that child in a classroom full of white kids, but you’re teaching those white kids that “other cultures” exist at their margins of their own white existence. That those people and cultures are somehow less important or valid.
What did Toni Morrison say? This. And okay, I’m done now. That’s all I have to say. White people, we have a serious problem. And the shit in this thread is how it starts. /fin
*the margin, not “their”
A couple people messaging me saying I made this up.

1) Why would I?
2) I don’t need to.
3) I wish.
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