Post graduation depression and how to deal with it. A thread.
1. I want to shed a light on something I find very important and not much talked about. Post graduation depression is a real thing. It does not apply to everyone, but it’s more common than we think.
2. Graduating is an accomplishment, and you should be fully proud of yourself, but the flip side is you might feel pressure and uncertainty of not knowing what your next step should be.
3. You’ve been following a school system your entire life, and then suddenly just being done can mess with your head. You might start questioning yourself: What do I do now? What’s my purpose? It can get better real quick or can build up. It’s okay.
4. It’s okay to not know what lies next after your degree. It’s okay to feel uncertain and not know where you want to go. It’s okay to feel scared and lost. It’s okay to give yourself space. Understand yourself and be okay with it. This is literally just the beginning.
5. Society and people’s expectations can pressure you into getting a job, being compared to with others, making life seem like a race. But you’re in charge of your story, so write it yourself. At your pace.
6. Keep working on yourself and trust the process. While figuring out your next step, connect with someone you feel content with, practice a hobby, learn a new skill, keep applying for those jobs if that’s what you want, take risks, experiment. It’s all about growth.
7. Above everything, remember to take care of yourself, your mental and emotional health, and things will fall into place for you when the time is right.
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