Btw Hanbin’s innocence was easy to prove and everything could be avoided from the beginning but Yg did him dirty and hid his innocence card; told him he would prove it but he needs to deal w the club issue first, turns out all lies to throw Hanbin as a scapegoat
They deluded him and promised him a comeback only to stab him in the back like this
This is from a saesang I would rather no one asks me who but this is legit
I’m not gonna answer anyone telling me who!
Also It was all the day Junhoe unfollowed Yg because he had no other way to tell us who was the real enemy
The saesang even warned us from Junhoe because he was a ticking bomb about to explode any second that’s why we are getting these self composed songs hinting of their miserable situation and mistreatments, this is no saesang shit but the lyrics couldn’t be any more bold 🙂
Ofc Yg would treat them like shit right now because no one is renewing their contract and he had to contain their rebellion; at this point I like to believe they are just waiting for Hanbin’s innocence to leave; ygee is milking as much money as he can from them before they leave
Be smart and look at the signs why Yg are basically ‘hiding’ them from media and public in Japan
No social media no promotion outside japan? Hitc and Ass never mentioned even; excluded from merch and shit??
Also be smart and see how fuckin miserable the boys look, Junhoe lost so much fuckin weight, Bobby looks sick, everything is fake fake fake
And those kkonics want what????
I had this thread in my draft for a while and couldn’t post it because that saesang won’t allow it but I apologize and I needed everyone to know this shit existed 🙂
One look at the boys and Junhoe’s lyrics is enough to make us believe also this saesang called out so many shit from many teams and it’s almost scary how legit her infos are !

You are free to believe or not but at this point aint it obvious???
One of the most beautiful comforting words that saesang said was “if you want an example of true broship then there is just iKON”

This might comfort many of us cs it did comfort me a lot

Truly, they are ride or die and it shows
Okay; listen y’all, I posted this while expectin the backlash of cowards in my cc bt leme get sum stuff clear

1)noway in fuckin hell I wld clout my boys for stupid likes&rtwts;like shit I care about that; I have been vocal about protectin my boys since June12 so try sumthin else
2) I forced no one to believe what I’ve said; I just felt selfish for knowin all of this and keepin it from many people suffering, why am I being comforted alone?? It took me so long to decide to post it or not in case people will call me shit for it
3)I don’t believe in any saesang and definitely not prediction accounts but this one in particular has many legit infos and called out many crazy details about alot of artists including the exact date of Daneil’s dating knews, so there you have it
4)Also if u have any suspicion it doesn’t need a saesang to believe this shit; y’all are seeing the boys with ur fuckin eyes, can see yg treating them like absolute shit
Can hear the lyrics of Junhoe calling out to us and definitely Bobby???? You’ve see the guy lookin like shit?
Also I’m not giving the account of the saesang because y’all see this mess, they will give her triple this crap and She will delete her account like how she did before when someone exposed her
Lastly; I’m not gonna answer anymore bullshit in my cc so you can bark there on your own all day, am the last person in the world to give shit about anything so there you have it all; thanks 🤷🏻‍♀️
Btw I keep misspelling the saesang word because I used to type it wrong and now my keyboard is correcting it on it own so dun be so pressed about it; to much stress for y’all lives y’know chill
Just wanted to add since many r askin if she said anythin about whats gonna happen

She isn’t a prediction account so she said everything at this point depends on the outcome of the investigation that’s y everything is quiet, she also doesn’t knw but hanbin is definitely innocent
Y’know why y’all are making sense of this despite the unreliability??? Because it’s fuckin obvious at this point; the boys hinted enough to tell us everything so these tweets are just filling the blanks in between that’s why everything makes sense now
Their anger, actions, tears
This was posted a day before everything went down 🙂
Okay I’m dumb but I totally forgot this one;
If I remember correctly the saesang said that “Hanbin is not as pathetic and helpless as y’all making him be.”
Also Hanbin knows some stuff that might be his winning cards

And if I remember correctly she also said he is okay and just waiting for the right time which is why we are receiving this quietness
Believe what you wanna believe
Perhaps if y’all cared enough to read Junhoe’s self composed songs and lyrics you wouldn’t be needing any saesang’s shit
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