So @DanaPerino decided to bring scumbag Clay Travis onto her program for sports analysis...just a rundown of some of Clay's greatest hits
"At a hospital, go striaght for the rape victims and offer your protection. Cha-ching."

- Clay Travis
"There is no place you'd rather be right now than a wet T-shirt contest at a high school cheerleading part"

- Clay Travis
"Female coworkers are to be treated with respect. Say "nice ass," instead of just slapping it"

- Clay Travis
Just a whole lot going on here with this one
Just normal Clay Travis stuff here
Your Fox News sports expert:
just a normal dude, who wrote a very normal book
If the rape, and pedo tendencies aren't too much, let me introduce you to killing animals in front of your significant other
normal stuff here!
@ClayTravis is tweeting about this thread but still has me blocked which happened after he called the NFL protests the dumbest in sports history and I reminded him he went on a pudding strike bc the Virgin Islands wouldnt show Titans games. #DBAP except in this case, I guess
Anyway, one last Clay Travis tweet before I go back to forgetting he exists again (check the time stamps)
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