✨Understanding Aries Venus✨

A thread explaining and analyzing Aries Venus from start to end.
Aries is a star sign ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, the masculine, what we’re willing to fight for/ how we fight, how we express anger & aggressiveness. Overall, it is far from Venus’ feminine, romantic, elegant and compromising energy.
Aries is in detriment in Venus, meaning the soft-spoken Venus doesn’t feel comfortable when it’s in plain-spoken Aries. Nonetheless, like any sign in any planet, this placement has its pros and cons.
• How does Venus manifest itself itself in Aries?

There might not be “I” in team but there’s “I” in relationship for Aries Venus. Like any individual, they want their needs met and it is important for them to prioritize theirs in order to feel satisfied and happy.
They’re confident and fierce, flirting and charming others comes easy to them. They know who they are and what they want, which excites and intrigues people. They’re straightforward and bold, won’t keep anyone guessing when it comes to their intentions.
As Mars in Aries likes to chase, Venus in Aries likes to be chased. They believe someone worth their time would be willing to put in the effort and run after them as a way of showing dedication. As a fire sign, they love being admired and praised.
• How can you tell if Aries Venus is interested in you?

They will set you up to chase after them. They might even consider you as a quest to conquer, a prize to win. They have a quite childish and innocent outlook on love which can easily turn everything into competition.
If they want something, they want it now; their interest might die down quickly if you’re not putting any effort or take things slowly. Needless to say playing hard to get can get quite boring, making them give up and move onto something else.
They’re quite passionate and enthusiastic when they like someone which can result in them acting childish; testing you by making endearing jokes, provoking you or borderline making fun of you. It is their Aries way of being playful and showing interest.
Overall, when Aries Venus is interested in you, they will be blunt and straightforward; you will probably be able to tell and in some cases they can even give it to you straight; “I like you”, “I’m attracted to you”.
• How do you satisfy Aries Venus’ needs?

Aries Venus needs constant attention and understanding from their partner. As they’re usually unwilling to make compromises, they need someone who will. Like their anger, their love can flare quickly but die down even quicker.
They’re quite demanding but simple to please (be careful, I didn’t say easy). As they need excitement, passion and playfulness they need a partner who will show their love concretely; through gifts, surprise trips... most importantly; their partner needs to put them first
Indeed, Aries Venus needs to feel like they’re the single most important person in their partner’s life. This is because as mentioned before, they might see love as competition and their partner as the prize.
So as you would do with a prize, Aries Venus expects you to take pride in them like they’re your biggest achievement, consequently the most important thing in your life and celebrate them regularly by displaying love, admiration and buying gifts etc...
In conclusion, Aries Venus really isn’t the most complicated Venus sign to understand; they have certain standards and expectations that need to be met. If you can’t fulfill those, they won’t hesitate to cut you off directly without feeling the slightest bit of regret.
Aries Venus in return make loyal and dedicated lovers who will reciprocate the love and attention they demand from you. You’ll rarely wonder if they’ve lost interest as they’re very vocal about their feelings.
* I’m so sorry for the “Aries is in detriment in Venus” error, I keep coming back to it and cringe but I can’t edit my tweets soooo we’re stuck like this I guess.
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