Last night I learned a new perspective of the word "aakwanghala" that paints the meaning of the word in a more positive light from Papa Shikongeni. So after asking me from what house (epata) I'm from, he went to identify himself as "omukwanghala" I was like
I don't beat around the bush. I immediately ask "isn't the term a reference to people who usually have nothing (aakwakala Nasha) which later became a common reference to the Nama/Damara people, hence making it a derogatory slurr?
He confirms the premise,that by definition and culture it refers to people who have nothing. He says the Bow and Arrow Nama community give everything away because they are the true descendants of God and as we know "Kalunga ihakala Nasha"
I was like:
He further states that to align a derogatory meaning to giving away much of what you have is to look at giving through the prisms of westernism and capitalism. That is why we think the San community is unhappy whereas they're more than content with their God chosen path.
In a nutshell,the hunter gatherer house provides.Knowledge,food, shelter to the those who seek help. They store only that which is necessary to feed themselves and continue the cycle of hunting and gathering. That is their purpose.A God like purpose! To give & retain nothing.
At the end, because I like being part of nice things and kickass clubs 😂😂😂 I too wanted to move to house "aakwanghala" at the end of the night. I'm calling my Dad to make arrangements but he is not picking up, probably in a Christian church somewhere 🤣.
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