Bul on here said “people wanting to be PC so much that it makes them not be normal people”. But to me, normal people in this context are bigots. Here in America, bigotry has been passed off for centuries as normalcy, there needs to be some unlearning that takes place here y’all
Know your history behind certain words. The “I don’t wanna be PC” thing is a bullshit excuse to still be an ass and btw PC Culture is a direct liberal response to the liberals themselves about their own guilt and how they should talk to people they secretly hate. If not being PC
is then hating openly then people are going to have something to say when you say their names negatively. Wouldn’t you?
Fuck PC Culture. Right is right and wrong and wrong. I get it. There are lot of disingenuous virtue signalers on here that don’t mean well at all who are reactionary...
But a lot of y’all are also more disingenuous and reactionary when you double down in your bigotry and don’t want to confront it and when other people are asking to keep their names out of your mouth you refuse because then your fun is ruined. Fuck your fun.
Your fun shouldn’t come at the expense of other people.
White people used to have fun by hanging black People from trees and having lunch around these bodies. Their children were invited to, which made them think this type of event is normal They also used to burn people alive on trees for not fitting into a certain binary. Familiar?
I often tell my students, just because someone tells an offensive joke doesn’t mean the person who told the joke themselves will do anything wrong to that community. But as the person telling the joke and the bigger the platform, the person is perpetuating hate and violence
That do meet those people. You are trivializing the experience of people make making their lives unequal to yours and your experience and also ridiculing the real life experiences of people.
A joke is a joke. “Haha.” But ridiculing and trivializing one’s experience is a totally different thing. Because people are laughing doesn’t lighten the mood or anything. People laugh at things that are cruel all the time, in their mind it’s not cruel because they’ve been
conditioned by white supremacy and westernism that ridiculing a person and finding humor in their existence and/or pain is normal.
Reevaluate yall selves man. You gotta learn new things sometime, we got a long time in this earth. Well at least some of us do. Which is why some of us want to learn new things sometimes. Be quiet and listen sometimes because you don’t know as much as you think you do.
A lot of the shit that y’all retweet on here that’s supposed to be “real talk” and “truth” don’t score, or land or make to people who actually think for themselves.
You can follow @LorenzoForreal.
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