Storm: Girl. I’m tired. We haven’t had a day off in months. Even Magneto gives the Brotherhood time off.

Jean: Just pass out like I do.
Cyclops: What’s wrong with Storm?

Wolverine: Something about the Professor denying her PTO request for the last damn time then she just fainted.
Rogue: Charles already told me don’t even bother putting in a re-

Storm: Listen to me. Before you get on the Blackbird just pass out. Jean and I already got your ticket for the trip.
Professor X: Jubilee. Seems like Storm, Jean, and Rogue have fallen ill or something. You take point. There are some sentin-

Rogue: Come on sugah. The girls are waiting in the car.

Jubilee: What if the Prof-

Rogue: Don’t worry about it. We’ve got Jean providing a mental block for us. Logan n’em can run his lil errands or whatever. Let’s go.
One day I’ll write an X book and it will be consider a classic but in the meantime 👇🏾
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