I feel like Moon-Venus aspects gives a the Libra-est of Libra vibes
Like i feel like no matter what sign your personal planets are in youre going to be exceptionally Libra like if you have Moon-Venus, especially the conjunction
People w Moon-Venus had the a mother who somehow sent a message to the child that one has to submit to others in order to find happiness
Moon-Venus aspects become people pleasers bc of this. they want harmony, & approval, so they act really cooperative & constantly feel the need to adapt to others
They want harmony & they do everything they can to avoid conflict... they tiptoes around others, they dont stand up for themselves, hold back opinions, etc bc others approval = happiness
Theyre graceful & charming & can win people over easily. but they dont really know who they are. their emotional fulfillment comes through others reactions to them. they dont really know what they want other than to be liked
The Moon-Venus person’s mother instilled a sense of charming their way through life rather than being direct
Moon-Venus is usually others-oriented & has a strong need for relationships, & companionship. theyre usually the ones that get into relationships & make friends easily bc theyre cooperative & want to get along
The Moon is what we need emotionally & Venus is love so these people really want love. they’re romantic, affectionate, flirtatious... they love love
Unfortunately Moon conjunct, square, & opposite Venus brings a lot of hardships in love
Both the Moon & Venus are two of the most feminine planets.
Moon in our chart represents the physical mother & how she reacts to life emotionally at our time of birth; Venus represents the psychological effect of the mother’s concepts of femininity & love
The conjunction can be good or bad but the square & opposition usually shows that the mother’s emotional state during the child’s formatory years subconsciously had a negative effect on their views of their femininity
Moon opposite or square Venus: The mother often resented the responsibility of motherhood when the child was born & their earliest years, she could of been completely overwhelmed & exhausted
She could have eventually grew into motherhood & loved it - but during those first ~2~ years of life she resented all the responsibility that came with it & it instilled in the child resentment of women/femininity
The mother of someone with Moon opposite or square Venus passed on her feelings of resentment regarding the biological role women are forced to play to the child
This plays out differently for women & men. In women this can result in a deep rooted insecurity about femininity. they may feel like woman are to be a certain way & they feel pressure to match those expectations
So Moon-Venus women may be extremely feminine in theory. for example) they consciously act graceful & charming, they care a lot about their appearance & beauty.. they try to carry themselves in what they see as feminine
But deep down is an insecurity about their femininity & a resentment about the biological role of women. they may always feel like they arent womanly or feminine enough & they arent meeting the expectations of what a woman should be
Moon opposite or square Venus may be terrified at the idea of having children because of this. they may avoid marriage to avoid having to have children, or subconsciously pick partners who she knows will not end up in marriage/having children
She could pursue a man who already his own children to eliminate the pressure of having kids, pursue relationships with married men, etc.
Moon opposite or square Venus women may over-identify with feminine concepts:ideas & be really defensive about it. but were only defensive about what we dont possess or what we feel we dont possess
Venus square or opposite moon aspects for a man may make someone who is uncomfortable with femininity/women - they may genuinely dislikes & lack respect for women
they may subconsciously think of women as the enemy & that women are not to be trusted. they fear female take-over & expect it to happen at any given moment
Hard venus-moon aspects need (moon) love (venus) but they feel closed off to the possibility of a loving relationship that satisfies them bc they feel like in order to be emotionally fulfilled in a relationship they would have to compromise themselves in some way
Moon square Venus or Moon opposite Venus in a man’s chart is very indicative of a man who resents women, & this stems from the fact their mother resented motherhood in some way when he was born
Moon square Venus / Moon opposite men may be:
abusive to women
the male chauvinist
The biggest issue with Moon square or opposite Venus is a chronic feeling of never being satisfied & difficulty getting their needs met in relationships
They want to be loved & establish a close bond & connection to somebody, theyre conditioned to believe that this will bring them the fulfillment & validation & a sense of worth theyre searching for
Bc they feel like love will make them happy, they have an underlying neediness...so they do shit like attach to people too quickly, reveal too much too soon, offer themselves too eagerly & quickly
Theyre emotionally slutty as Carrie Bradshaw would say & they do all this shit attempting to establish a bond that will tie them to someone but they do this without actually developing real trust & familiarity
Moon square & opposite Venus can deal with a lot of superficial / meaningless relationships that arent meeting their needs bc they dont wanna be alone & they think a relationship will fulfill them
They’ll be on endless search for the right person but they never seem to find it because the type of person who makes them feel comfortable clashes with the type of person theyre attracted & drawn to
For example since i love those a Scorpio Moon square Aquarius Venus: Scorpio Moon is comfortable around someone who is intense, passionate, controlling & who they have a deep emotional connection w, but Aqua Venus is gonna make them attracted to distant, independent types
Squares & oppositions are just challenging areas of ur life that require a conscious effort to get through, & w Venus square or opposite Moon then main lesson is to really nurture yourself & identify your needs & release the expectations that a partner should bring you happiness
Moon conjunct Venus is the most Libra-like of the Moon-Venus aspects
Above all, someone with Moon conjunct Venus needs to be accepted & liked. they are all about getting along & relating to others
Moon shows what we need to feel emotionally safe & secure and with it conjunct Venus, a person is going to be very agreeable, friendly, pleasant & polite to appeal to people
Moon conjunct Venus wants to keep things nice & avoid rocking the boat or stirring up conflict in any way (unless this is strongly aspected by mars / uranus as well)
They want to win people over & usually theyre pretty charming so theyre good at doing that. theyre usually well-liked people who seem to get along with everybody
3 different girls at my job all have Moon conjunct Venus, and theyre all the type that you would say “omg theyre so nice!” very unproblematic, never says anything offensive, avoids issues at all costs
However the problem with this is that its a certain level of authenticity that is missing when everybody likes you & you get along with everybody
When youre just trying to please everybody youre not showing yourself in a way thats honest & authentic. youre just showing what you think will win others over
& on top of that youre repressing your emotions/holding back how you feel to avoid conflict or to avoid not being liked. youre forcing yourself to feel and be a certain way to appeal to others, not yourself. thats exhausting
So others see you as this graceful, pleasant polite person but they dont even really know you. no one does
moon conjunct venus usually had really strong overwhelming ties to the mother
moon conjunct venus really loves their mom & sees them as perfection
this is just one aspect though you have to look at the whole chart! for example there could be a saturn square there or something that could influence this
moon conjunct venus is very similar to libra moon all this can also be applied to libra moon
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