Dreams and their interpretation are an important feature of Islam and Middle Eastern culture and folklore. They were part of pre-Islamic near eastern traditions and within Islam it is believed dreams share a part in prophecy

A thread on dreams and their meanings:
Falling means failure, a decrease in status, and errors that cannot be covered up

Teeth falling out means outliving your fellows, but if you’re collecting fallen teeth it means lots of kids and descendants.
Nudity means inner purity, but also regret, but nudity in an assembly means you’ll be exposed. Another interpreter says nudity means freedom from sin
Dying signifies failure. If you see your own burial it means the situation is hopeless. It can also mean imprisonment according to another scholar.

However if in the dream you die, are washed, carried, but not buried, then you will be victorious.
Resurrection is an admonishment.

Dreams of the angel of death are a sign of what is to come, but with blessing.
Birth can signify illness, but children symbolize glad tiding esp if the child is beautiful. If your wife is pregnant and you look in a mirror & see a child, you will have a boy. If you dream of pregnancy & are a woman then it means success. It can also mean attachment to someone
Adultery or cheating means unforgivable betrayal. If you are committing adultery you are the one betraying but if someone else is then you are the betrayed. Adultery and cheating also means severe trials and turbulence in life
Flying means travel, but if you fly from roof to roof then it means you’ll change stations from an upright person to one without morals. Flying for a prisoner means freedom. If you are an excessively proud person & you dream of flying then you are deluded.

Wings=safe travel.
Walking in air means being honored by a person of authority or governor, another scholar says it means an elevation of status soon.

Pitching a tent or building a house in the air means sudden death of someone ill.

Ascending into the clouds means death but is a blessing.
Dog means a sinful and impudent person, especially if barking. A barking dog can also mean a fever. If a dog tears your clothing it means someone is backbiting you.

A puppy however means a beloved child. A white puppy means the child will grow up to be a believer.
Cat means adultery, disloyalty, or theft.

If a cat is stealing something from you, it means you’ll have to pay a fine.
Ships symbolize safety. During a drought, ships mean rain will come soon.

Water according to some means expansion of business, but others say it means fitna. Rain however is aid, mercy & blessing from God.

Drinking water from a cup or spring means glad tiding of pregnancy
Eating means back biting, but if from a tray it means righteous earnings unless the tray is made of gold then it means unlawful earnings.

Crows means poverty but according another scholar could mean a corrupt person
Seeing angels means relief from problems or resolution. If however the angels carry you, then martyrdom is near

Seeing a happy dead person means they are pleased with their reward in the afterlife
Snakes represent enemies generally ones that are hidden. If you kill it in your dream you will win.

A scorpion an enemy that attacks you with words.
These are only one approach to dream interpretation. Their meanings were cataloged in dream dictionaries like the one attributed (likely falsely) to Ibn Sirin.

Ibn Qutaybah on the other hand says there are 9 different methods of interpretation-
1. Ta’wil al asma- interpretation by etymology. If you dream of a quince (safarjal) then it means a journey (safar)

2. Ta’wil bil ma’na- interpretation through meaning. If you are given a drink then you will have children because water is a blessing and gives sustenance.
3. Ta’wil bil Qur’an- interpretation through Qu’ran. Eg. Glass can mean women or queens bc it appears in 27:44 alongside the Queen of Sheba.

4. Ta’wil bil Hadith- Interpretation through prophetic tradition. Eg. Muhammad called crows corrupt so that’s what they mean in dreams
5. Ta’wil bil mathal al sair- interpretation through proverbs.

6. Ta’wil bil did wal maqlub- Interpretation through opposites. Eg. Giving birth means death and death means giving birth.
7. Ta’wil bil ziyadah wal naaqs- Interpretation through increase & decrease. Birth means death, but if 2 of you are giving birth that means impending joy.

The last two methods of dream interpretation have to do w/ timing. Eg The most truthful dreams are seen right before dawn
Despite considerable variation in method, there is general agreement that dreams come in three forms:

ru’yaa- true dreams and visions

nafsi- dreams from the ego/humors/confused mind

hulum-dreams of evil and temptation from djinn and shaiytan.
Given the importance of dream interpretation there is also warning that not just anyone can divine their meaning; there are requirements like skill, study, good character, purity and other qualifications.
Dream interpretation was part of the classical arts of divination in the Islamic world. However unlike astrology etc it was less controversial and widely valued among elite religious circles and popular folk practice alike
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