thread of stuff from work because I literally couldn't write this stuff
person: what's your cheapest for *insert show*
me: ÂŁ26.50
person: that's cheap?!
me: yes??? They were ÂŁ47 last week
person: oh. okay. thanks *leaves*
Person: do you have tickets for the Les Mis concert?
Me: no they're sold out for the entire run
Person: we wanted to go back
Me: check at the theatre
Person: they want ÂŁ200
Me: ah well I don't have any
Person: have you seen it?
Me: no
Person: you should
Me: it's? sold? out???
Person: what do you have for Wicked afternoon show
Me: for Wicked today I have-
Person: this afternoon
Me: yes today I have--
Person: we want to go this afternoon
Me: ÂŁ26.50
Person: anything else?
Me: Waitress ÂŁ26
Person: no *leaves*
Person: do you have cartoon shows?
Me: these are musicals
Person: so no cartoons?
Me: these are live shows
Person: oh
Person: lion king?
Me: I have lion king tickets but they won’t be discounted because Disney do not discount and they’re very busy tonight
Person: okay how much?
Me: ÂŁ135
Person: what?! You’re a discounted ticket booth why are they so expensive
Me: I... I literally just said
Person: *listing loads of shows that have closed*
Me: here’s our show guide which tells you what is on and what times they play
Person: oh so you’re sick of me?
Me: I just thought you could use the guide to help you decide
Person to her friend: she’s sick of us
Group of 5: we want to sit in the stall
Me: *quotes price*
GO5: that's too expensive
Me: well i can put you in the dress circle at a cheaper price and you'll probably get a better view from there
GO5: oh
person: do you have Hamilton tickets?
me: no they only sell through online & you usually have to book months in advance
person: actually they've ÂŁ75 online for tonight
me: okay
person: they wont get cheaper than that?
me: they will if you book in advance
person: right *leaves*
im going to kill to the next person who asks me for Hamilton
lady: got any hamilton tickets?
me: we dont sell for hamilton
lady: I know im joking
me: oh
lady: well i thought it would've been quiet in the uk because its practically finished in new york

customer: well those are a bit expensive.. us pensioners don't have a lot of money
me: I....
a customer just told me ÂŁ35 for comedy about a bank robbery second row centre on a Saturday night was expensive. and then told me ÂŁ29 for school of rock front row on a Saturday night was also too expensive... what...???
another customer just asked me if I had any ÂŁ20 tickets for tonight. IT'S A SATURDAY NIGHT PEOPLE.
Why do people not understand that there are no matinees today???
person: The show that goes wrong
me: the play that goes wrong?
person: yes the show the goes wrong
me: the play
person: the what
me: the play that goes wrong
person: yes *too other person* they have the show that goes wrong
just had an american woman pronouncing Theatres and Th-ee-a-ters ... im??
someone just told me I was very knowledgeable on what theatre shows were discounted... well yes sir I work here...
someone just laughed in my face when I told them Wicked was ÂŁ27.50
a lady just asked me for tickets to see Downtown Abbey. When I told her she needed to go to the cinema for them, I showed her where to go and she walked in the opposite direction...
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