While PATIENTLY waiting for romantic love:

💗let go of the people that no longer serve you. (Ex’s, that one crush that doesn’t even know you exist) nothing new will come, unless you make space.

đź’—Work on yourself (aspire to reaching a more secure attachment)
đź’—write down everything you want in partner and be specific as possible or make a vision board. Write characteristics and traits and even add pictures!
đź’—Implement manifesting by visualizing, acting it out(want someone fit and loyal? Go to the gym and treat the friends you already have with loyalty and respect)
💗Don’t have an ounce of desperation in you. Life gets lonely but embodying desperation won’t speed anything up, if anything it’ll only slow it down. Acting like you lack love, will only bring more lack.

đź’—Work on loving yourself. Do shit alone, go places, implement self-care.
💗Once candidates start showing up, don’t settle! If it’s not what you asked for, keep being stubborn & saying no thank you. The universe will know you mean business.

đź’—Lastly, realize you deserve love & already are love. Think of yourself how you want others to think of you.
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