the incel appears to the dog owning white woman as a physical manifestation of her worst, and thus un-articulated, fears, both as object and subject. and "our culture" is dictated by women, because they have buying power and most willingly engage with capital
which is also part of the fear, that this should be the case. "my actions have consequences"/I am a moral agent. the emotional logic goes: no one should feel bad (because I want to feel good)- this guy feels bad because he doesnt fuck - to be a good person I should fuck him (ew)
but I dont want to -> ergo this is an attaq, I am being made to feel things

it is preferable that he be an assailant than that he is pitied, because to pity him, I have to be a moral agent, and not the object of action, good or bad
the collective "mind's eye" that sees the incel and is scared is a woman's eye. the noncel man has nothing to fear from him, and see's him only though women's eyes, and we must start there
at it's basest, it's something like the fear and following denial "that I might have done something wrong", and it is not intellectual in nature, pure emotional reaction. it's all just trying to make the sense of pity go away, because pitying someone is unbearable
but to try to explain it at least in intellectual terms, being faced with the incel, having him at-hand, forces you to face certain contradictions about human group/social behaviour. liberalism does not grant equel distribution of "basic necessities" ("everyone deserves love")
so in this sense the incel is critique manifest. you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can be a hedonist, but you cannot simultaneously believe that "everyone deserves love/happiness".
to be faced with him is to be faced with your own lie to yourself about you being a "good person", and the certainty that there isn't enough happiness to go around in a scarcity based economy.
You will have to pity someone; but it's better that they be starving african children, because they are fundamentally not at-hand, , you are uninvolved. you don't have real meaningful agency to making their lives better. This is not the case for the incel
when you see a problem you know the answer for, you are compelled to fix it. this is basic human pattern recognition behavior, but it is confused as being the Super-Ego; this compulsion is imposed on me, from "out there", from "society", the big Other.
what, are you saying *I* should fuck him? this is rape! she says to herself, over and over again
best I got on such short notice
the solution to the incel problem might be understood as an extention of the charity-debate. should the state provide gf's using tax funds, or should private individuals engage in charity at their own discretion?
if you are on the economic left and believe the latter, which you must, to avoid dooming yourself to fucking someone you don't want to fuck, then you are in a crisis of values on how to approach the problem of charity
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