Honestly stop fucking with Capricorn/Saturn dominant people. We absorb all the negativity thrown at us and then throw it right the fuck back. Usually once we’ve reached a breaking/awakening point. I’ve seen a lot of posts saying we’re agents of Saturn-
-we suffer our judgements and retribution’s quickly in this life BUT we also are agents of those karmic lessons. Curse me? It goes back on you stronger than before because im a child of Saturn.
Even the stones associated with Capricorn point to our ability to transmute chaos into order, negativity into personal power, and to bring about Justice. While our elemental opposite cardinal sign Libra is the Scales, I feel like we’re the Judgement.
Black tourmaline, protection and grounding, allowing us to connect to our inner self and harness the power of our inner storms. To me, the energy of this stone has always been that of protection and transmutation.
Garnet, the power of deep and loyal love, truth, and balance through reenergising us and cleansing our energy. I connect the blood red colour of garnet towards the power inherent in us, giving us strength to move forward. Fave. It motivates like a motherfucker.
Smoky Quartz, the ultimate stone for combating negativity. Everyone has a smoky quartz and some point, did it disappear? I did it’s job then. A great stone to ground and banish negativity with. WHICH IS WHAT WE DO NATURALLY if we know it or not.
Jet! A traditional witches stone?? Created by millions of years of pressure that then helps us break negative cycles? Astounding everyone Saturn dominant needs some. Get one. Let that powerful depth flow through and strengthen you.
I’ve seen bloodstone connected to Capricorn as well but can’t find sources for that right now, I’m too high. But let’s continue talking about the power of a Capricorn.
WHO DO YOU WANT IN A TIME OF CRISIS? A Capricorn. That stony, harsh, calm exterior you guys complain about is our best weapon when helping our loved ones combat fear, trauma, and crisis. If we ride or die for you, you’re support is unmatched. We’ll die protecting you-
Ain’t NOBODY FUCKING WITH OUR LOVED ONES. Want a sign that will fuck someone up for you? Here we are. And our other Saturn ruled buddy, Aquarius, COULD help you hide the body. Get you someone who can do both- a blend of these placements is a crafty, ruthless bitch.
As the Seagoat, we represent and alchemy of the Earth and Water element. Capricorn Opens the Way- we climb from the abyss to the top of the mountain and find eventual success. We heal/ground ourselves, within ourselves, tied to both the element of growth/ the element of healing.
That’s why our planet rules the joints and knees. Our joins hurt from the climb! We wear ourselves out climbing, so we have to take breaks every now and then. Don’t take that for laziness. We’re still plotting world domination, which is a downfall. We don’t do well with power-
Ambition can go to the head. With us I’ve noticed the ego can go wildly out of control, turning us into villains/inversely making us too self sacrificing. We need a balance between the two so we don’t cycle too far into one or the other. We are aware of our dark self.
And many of us actively have to combat it, because we understand the sheer, scary depths of what we’re capable of and the anger we feel. I honestly feel a Capricorn makes the best villain, the ruthless power...dispel that shit y’all it’s dangerous.
When it comes down to it we want to love, support, and grow with you. That’s what this is for- our friends and family, which we often make for ourselves as our blood family tends to neglect us DUE to our independence and nature vibe. Everyone knows we can handle it all-
But we’re really just super soft babies who need as much support as we give. Which come snack to the balance/Judgment analogy from before. We view our relationship as investments, because what we give we want back. This isn’t selfish, tho y’all paint it that way.
It’s even exchange of energy, it’s balance which is a Universal Law. So the next time you want to complain about a Capricorn, shut up I’ll die on this hill for us because we’re good people who deserve all the love, support and stability because we use that to help our loved ones.
You can follow @theEmpyrealCap.
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