What’s one natural remedy or life hack your homeopathic friend (we all have one) taught you that REALLY works?

Masks, juices, house hacks...all of it.
If you don’t know who your homeopathic friend is, it’s you.

“Girl, just put baking soda and the zest of two limes on it and it’ll heal right up” flower child always helpful asses 😂
Mine is fresh celery juice. I’ve been drinking it first thing every morning with no food for 30 mins after and my skin is clearing up, I’m less bloated and my food digests better throughout the day.

And I hate celery, but I be like...
Y’all I’m def (and obviously) using “homeopathic” in a joking manner.

I believe in medicine, science and vaccines...I also know that people have been taking care of non-chronic issues and pursuing wellness with natural items for literal centuries.

It’s a both/and. Calm down.
It’s seriously Eurocentric and classist to dismiss ALL natural aides. Like people of color (AND white folks) ain’t been using nature’s healing properties for centuries before colonizationnand centuries since.

Be mad if I’m an anti-vaxxer or something equally as goofy.
Imagine arguing with me over a helpful thread because you don’t want people using plants and spices for headaches and hyperpigmentation and not fighting tooth and nail for universal quality health care so people can afford the medicines you insist are the only real thing. 🥴
Go check *that* shit and leave me and my turmeric alone.
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