1/Heres the question: why didn’t the Dem leadership challenge the constitutionality of that DOJ policy Trump is hiding behind to avoid indictment? And, worse, why did they mislead us by acting as if that policy is settled law- a policy that endangers all life on this planet?👇
2/The DOJ policy against indicting a sitting president creates a moral hazard of catastrophic proportions -it INCENTIVIZES a criminal president to abuse his power in order to remain in office and it allows a criminal president to hide behind his office and run for re-election!
3/And although @ewarren made this part of her policy platform stating “If Donald Trump were anyone other than the President . . . he would be in handcuffs and indicted.”she and her colleagues did nothing to challenge this dangerous policy right now👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1167455969468719104?s=21
4/It’s frightening enough that Trump may well be compromised and beholden to foreign influences but to place him above the law and worse, incentivize him to do everything in his power to remain in office in order to avoid prosecution?That is nothing less than collective MADNESS.
5/Trump and Putin have met at least 4 times and we still don’t know what they discussed -this is the biggest red flag of all and yet our elected reps and the msm virtually ignore it.What did these nuclear armed thugs discuss- how to rig the election and keep trump in power?👇
6/In Putin’s so-called democracy, ‘President’ Putin recently passed a law that criminalizes ‘fake news’, censors the internet, and allows the State to jail those who criticize the government 👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1107997882576240640?s=21
7/Trump has already used his emergency powers twice to circumvent Congress: 1/to fund his border wall (a scam blessed by his SCOTUS) and 2/ to sell arms to the Saudis. So just imagine what Trump will do when threatened w/eviction from his WH sanctuary 👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1107992684206145537?s=21
8/And it is only common sense that when you tell a man like Trump-a man who meets secretly w/dictators and owes his fortune to money laundering oligarchs, that the only way he can avoid prison is by staying in office he will do anything to stay there. Absolutely anything.👇
9/And this criminal is propped up by a GOP Congress that will do anything to stay in power-from blocking bills to safeguard the ballot to outright voter fraud. If Trump uses his power to shutdown the internet and suspend the elections do you really think they’ll stop him?👇
10/Putin has cyber bombs planted in our grid and, like the GOP, he benefits from keeping Trump in power. Putin could shut down small portions of our grid w/out any fear of retaliation from his man in the WH, giving Trump the ‘excuse’ he needs to unleash his emergency powers👇
11/Or, in order to maintain the GOP power status quo, Trump could launch a limited nuclear first strike against Iran or NoK w/out Congressional approval and in the ensuing chaos declare a national emergency, impose martial law, shut down the internet and suspend the elections.👇
12/Very few people realize that the nuclear deterrence protocol Congress enacted during the Cold War gives a president unlimited power to not only RESPOND to a nuclear attack but to LAUNCH a nuclear first strike w/out consulting Congress, his cabinet, or anyone else at all👇
13/In 2019, McConnell blocked a bill that would require a president to seek congressional approval before launching a nuclear first strike so, thanks to the GOP, an obviously unstable, criminal president still has the power to start a nuclear war w/out consulting anyone at all👇
14/ https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1163845235547545600?s=21
15/ https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1164898709861261312?s=21
Back in April I became so frustrated by the way the msm and our elected reps were ignoring the danger created by this unconstitutional DOJ policy that I wrote an ‘op-ed’ and sent it to several papers. It wasn’t very well written and it, too, was ignored 👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1112803321889374213?s=21
17/It’s bad enough that a criminal president can run for re-election but what if that criminal president is also the TARGET of an on-going FBI counterintelligence investigation? Shouldn’t voters be informed about the results of that investigation BEFORE they cast their ballots?
18/If that FBI counterintel investigation concludes that Trump IS a nat’l security threat and the gang of 8 is briefed will @SpeakerPelosi speak out and warn the electorate even if McConnell refuses to join her in a public statement? Or will she put politics over principle again?
19/Don’t voters have a right to know the results, not necessarily the classified details, of that report even if that investigation is on-going? Don’t voters have a right to know whether Donald Trump poses a threat to our nat’l security before we cast our ballots in 2020?
20/We are standing at the precipice of autocracy. The next several months will determine whether we will live in a Constitutional Republic ruled by law or in an autocracy ruled by fascists. That is the question that confronts us all👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1085562676380614656?s=21
21/This is the biggest scam of all - so why are our Dem reps helping them get away with it?!👇 https://twitter.com/natashabertrand/status/1167461742189961216?s=21
22/This was perfectly clear —- months ago👇 https://twitter.com/joeyandmosh/status/1167852760911568897?s=21
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