If you’re a dude, and you’re wondering how you can be an ally to women in the workplace/social life/SM/earth but don’t know where to start, here’s some things I try to do:
1) Listen - to hear something with thoughtful attention. I hear, but I have to work at listening.
2) Respect - an act of giving particular attention. Consideration. A high or special regard. Miss Moss was the most influential boss I ever worked for. She saw my potential/ignorance yet still corrected/cared for me. Because I listened & respected, I’m better today.
3) KTSO - this stands for:
When you see other dudes (or anyone) not listening or respecting women, here, there, anywhere and you’re in vacinity, tell them to knock that shit off. You shouldn’t have to be a parent disciplining a shit for brains kid but-
- you can, you should, and it’s been my experience that everyone around appreciates it.

If love is wishing someone’s highest welfare, then use that lens when you’re around anyone, really, but in this case women.

Anyway, have a great day. As you were.
1/22/20 - If, like me, you see a woman in your feed who says something to the effect of, “I am so done with guys and their particular brand of “well, actually” chauvinistic bullshit, I’m tempted to respond because I think I’m not that guy and obviously said woman needs my input.-
It turns out that, in my experience, they don’t need me to respond because, you guessed it, I’m a guy. It takes conscious effort for me to not respond, but that’s the lesson about listening. No one feels heard if someone says “don’t”, and I believe I’m the exception. I’m not.
Listening may be hard, but that’s the job of being a good human and specifically a good friend.

So, if a woman says she’s had it with dudes that day, dudes scroll on & don’t respond. This is how you actively become a better&better community member.

Cheers & have a great day!
You can follow @jphilogden.
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