A little late in the day, but here's our theead on the greatest of 'em all - Sir Donald Bradman of Aus. His numbers have been dissected threadbare, his feats have been lauded everywhere.
We only have pictures of him, pictures which speak 99.94 words.
Back in the day, a lot of cigarette companies used to release cards like this as part of the packaging as well as advertisement. Here's DG Bradman's card. Such fine detail!
How about the Don on your fridge? You got it right here in the form of a magnet. :-)
Was the Don infallible then? Not really. Eddie Gilbert, a fearsome aboriginal bowler, was regarded by Don as the fastest he ever faced. Here's Don on all fours after a particularly fast bouncer.
Here's another Don Bradman card. Will there ever be a better trump card than this one? Not a chance!
Remember those flicker books? Who better to learn batting from than the Don himself? Here's a little collection.
Many years later, a curly haired boy in Bandra, Mumbai got hold of them maybe? Who knows! :-)
The Don was box office in more than one! Here's him on a coin.
The Don's 75th birthday and a special cover to commemorate it! What a beauty!
A song about Bradman then. Of course this one was coming after he became a hero figure in Aus. ❤️
One legend meets another. Baseball's Don Bradman meets Cricket's Babe Ruth. This conversation must have hit the sweet spot alright.
Ah this team. You know who was the 12th man here?
Sir Don Bradman. Unimaginable to think of him in that role but you gotta do what you gotta do.
The Don is knighted!
Is this picture analogous to Kohli - SRT after CWC 2011 final?
A young Don playing a picture perfect cover drive.
The Don in a ... film?! Really?

Keep going down the thread to find out. :-)
The Don got injured too. Here's him being helped out by a fellow player. Can you identify who he is?
Hearthrobs everywhere can go away.
The Don on 🔥 in a shirtless still from the film he acted in. He had just one piece of dialogue but did he ever need more!
And here's the film clip as promised. Happy Don Bradman day to all of you!
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