Suit, no tie.

The cool YC guy. Laid back vibes. Casually popping into the odd fringe event. Possibly has a panel he’s attending as a speaker at. Has a nice AirBnb you’re keen to get invited to for pres
White tie.

Went to a wealthy fee paying school. Indulges in references to classical music and niche British royal historical anecdotes. You’re really not sure what he does for a living but he buys rounds for everyone
The summer co ord

Must have got mixed up an EDM warehouse night called “Conference” as people keep referring to it without the definite article. Sticks around for the free drink but is far too cool to stay around
Three piece suit

A high tory. Big Remainer. Cravat optional. Drinks gin and will be sliding into your DMs. Preys on MPs for selfies but tbh you’re pretty low key annoyed and jealous when he gets a really funny one with @trussliz
Tank top

Polo shirt and suit trousers

Thinks it’s still summer. @The_Essex_Gay is appalled at his attire and will tell you to steer clear - ignore as he’s probably a laugh and knows where all the free food is.
Black tie

If it’s a clip on bowtie don’t bother. If it’s hand-tied then he’s the top toryboy and probably has a fancy event to attend. How can you say no to a good canapé anyway? If he’s straight, he’s also a massive oil and giving @Jamie_RB a run for this money
Shirt and suit trousers

The safe option. Won’t offend the suit or the casual attire purists. In every Tory group chat but never adds much - too busy smashing the gym like this guy
Jeans and a shirt

He’s clearly rushed this and has formed out the full whack on his accommodation and pass for being so late.

Is a hungover mess everyday but is probably a massive laugh.
The attire or the description? 😂😂😂
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