"Some men fear the falling number of male OB-GYNs could lead to them being excluded ..."

Men *should* be excluded from #gynecology. They took over the medical field from women by force, by killing midwives & denying us knowledge of our own bodies. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/03/09/female-gynecologists_a_23381583/
"Tyndall was the sole gynecologist at the campus clinic for 27 years.
More than 340 women have filed civil suits against Tyndall and USC alleging the doctor sexually abused them and the university failed to protect them." https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-usc-gynecologist-suspension-20180829-story.html
"The suppression of women health workers and the rise to dominance of male professionals was not a “natural” process, nor was it the result of women’s failure to take on healing work. It was an active takeover by male professionals."

I have my own story to add: I went to the nearest gyno to me in pain, sweating. He asked me if I had a husband before asking my symptoms. He told me I was overreacting and gave me painkillers. 2 days later, in ER, I discovered my ovaries were abscessed, I nearly died of sepsis.
I was hospitalized for two weeks which I don't remember well because I was in a high fever throughout. I had male doctors who visited me regularly because my case was unusual; I wasn't responding to antibiotics. They wanted to remove both my ovaries.
Luckily, a female doctor came to see me. The problem was my IUD which caused a ladder for bacteria to my ovaries. She told me she would wait if it was what I wanted, if I wanted to keep my ovaries and try to heal.
Not one male doctor tried to alleviate my pain or help me recover.
Because a woman came to my aid and challenged the male doctors who wanted to remove my ovaries - male doctors who said I was making up my pain to begin with - because of her, I healed and still have my body intact.
A male doctor denied my pain, gave me weak painkillers, asked where my husband was, two days later I'm in ER at risk of dying from septic shock, and the first thing male doctors want to do is take away both of my ovaries, and the female doctor intervened on my behalf.
Honestly why are men #gynecologists? They don't understand female pains. Men already ignore women's suffering to begin with. Why are our oppressors allowed into every aspect of our private and personal lives? Can't women have some things for ourselves?
So women are expected to endure rape, forced pregnancy, abuse and malpractice in order for men to have a right to profit as a gynecologist? Knowing that the entire field is founded on such abuses and that male gynos pose a risk to women? What about our right to health and safety?
"Dr Jackson, a #gynecologist, is accused of abusing a woman after she showed up at his office after hours and asked to use a phone. He took her into the office and gave her an unknown pill. The pill incapacitated her and he sexually assaulted her."
#mvaw https://www.mypanhandle.com/news/sex-assault-trial-for-local-doctor-set-for-wednesday/
A former gynaecologist in Sydney's east is set to face court after being charged with raping a patient under his care on multiple occasions from 2010.

#SexNotGender #MaleGynos #CisPrivilege #MVAW

"She said the doctor was still working, although no longer as a gynaecologist, and urged authorities to finally take action over her complaint, saying there is a real risk that the man might strike again." https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12313093
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