In order to become a Loan Officer, you’ll need to obtain licensing via the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS).

There are some preliminary education requirements (20 hours) and you then have to pass the Uniform State Test (UST).

Most companies pay for this.

The UST is much easier to pass these days.

It’s a multiple choice test that covers mortgage law, products, and guidelines.

It is mostly focused on law.

The primary purpose is to make damn sure know about the consequences about committing mortgage fraud.

The licensing and testing requirements are the result of the market crash of 2008.

So much fraud (on many levels) was committed, so passing the test is one of the requirements.

Some states also require background checks and even check your credit history.

Some states go so far as to require you to have your fingerprints scanned.

Once you’re licensed, you’ll have to take Continuing Education every year, which usually consists of an 8 hour course followed by individual state courses and testing.

The amount of required state testing really depends on the states you get licensed in.

More states have adopted the Uniform State Test (UST), and therefore no longer require individual testing.

This saves money and time.

Licensing requirements are much more lenient these days.
You fuckers are out here trying to figure out ways to improve your hustle.

I’m telling you that there’s no better time than NOW to become a Loan Officer.

There are guys making the most money they’ve EVER made.

Even guys with 2 months of SALES experience making $20K+ monthly.
A good friend of mine on my old sales team is making $62,000 for a TWO WEEK period.

That’s excluding his overtime pay and his performance modifiers.

Probably making $70,000 overall.

For 2 WEEKS.

Get your ass a sales job.

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