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Join me as we explore the works of the smartest man to ever walk the earth, how he made them & whos got them now

Only time travelers can play 4D chess

(Content from @BchainBastards )
Some are familiar with the term

"4D chess"

As it relates to Donald Trump.

Whether it be using publicity to leverage NYC for huge tax breaks, or winning the presidency on his first try, the Don seems to always come out on top

What explanation for this could there possibly be?
Given the title of this thread, you've no doubt figured it out.

But is time travel REALLY possible? Has anyone successfully accomplished it?

If so, why hasn't it been publicized, patented and mass distributed?

To answer the first question, yes, according to recent simulations
That doesn't really help, is there anyone else who explored this field?

Yes indeed, none other than Nikola Tesla

Despite inventing nearly every modern convenience (AC power, remote control, radio) & even predicting smartphones, he was effectively erased from the history books.
Alright, thats cool, but thats nothing as far out as time travel.

True, but those inventions are just what Tesla created BEFORE having all his funding cut off and effectively exciled from the scientific community

What else did he claim to have accomplished?

Well among them:
So Tesla had

- death rays

- free wireless energy

- contact with ETs

- cloaking tech

& you guessed it, time travel

where has all this gone?

The last 100 years have been called "the lost century" by Tesla experts, because of the advancements that have been hidden from us.
Why was none of this allowed to go mainstream?

Mainly because of the events following the construction of Tesla's wireless energy tower

J.P. having funded what he thought was a type of radio tower, was outraged when he found out the tower could effectively end the oil industry.
J.P. Morgan (who after his death, was revealed to be a front for the Rothschilds, as 75% of his banks assets were theirs) could not allow the extremely profitable oil monopoly to end, & thus cut Tesla off

The Wardenclyffe Tower was never completed & Tesla never got another dime.
He would continue his work for several decades later, but would ultimately die penniless in his room at the New Yorker Hotel.

Despite all of his fantastic achievements, he died a poor man, alone.

Where did all of his research go?

Who exactly did the FBI send to retrieve it?
This is where things start to get wild.

It turns out to be Donald's own uncle.

MIT professor and physicist John G. Trump

Following Tesla's death he was among the very first to be sent to collect and analyze the mad scientists research
Now, now, I know you're shaking your head right now, surely I'm not saying that Trump and his mad scientist uncle traveled through time "Back to the Future"/Rick and Morty style (where did the old man/young boy duo motif come from anyways? 🤔)

But uh, yeah, I kinda am.
Above are 2 novels published by author Ingersoll Lockwood.

"Baron Trumps Marvelous Underground Journey"

And its sequel

"The Last President"

Both written at the turn of the 20th century, slightly after when Tesla would've arrived in America to work for Edison
Its not just the titles that have goosebump raising simularities.

Inside, the "coincidences" only grow.

For instance, there is a charectar named "Don", Baron lives in "Castle Trump" and in "Last President" there is a riot in NYC on election day of an outsider candidate
Aight so all this is pretty fuckin nutty.

I mean, if you had time travel, wouldnt you leverage all the knowledge to finesse your way into billions, a few wives, celebrity status and ultimately president?

Lets get back to basics. If time is the 4th dimension, what's beyond that?
Tesla was a student of eastern escoteric teachings, where the concept that all of creation is in fact, One.

All apart of one shared, unified energy field, called the "Eather"

It was from this field that Tesla claimed to obtain his inventions.

This is a 5th dimensional field
Tesla was said to form all of his inventions purely inside of his head, only writing down the designs for his engineers to build.

He also claimed that this same field carried the energy emitted by his energy towers.

Interesting when you compare his designs to other structures..
So it seems Tesla may have been able to create such advanced technology by discovering ANCIENT secrets.

This is intriguing, what else can we learn about Tesla's methods that set him apart in his mastery of the universe.

What is reality then, after all?

Simulation theory?
Simulation theory has been popularized by icons like Elon Musk (clearly inspired by "Tesla" in many ways) and its the idea that our reality is a digital simulation of sorts.

What would rule this matrix?

Numbers of course.

"Numerology" is a study that is becoming popular
Tesla was OBSESSED with numbers, particularly 3, 6, and 9. He would even circle buildings 3 times before entering them.

He believed these numbers held specific powers over the energetic nature of the universe.

Important as everything is energy, even an atom is 99.9% empty space
Numerology itself attempts to identify each number and what type of energy it possesses.

"6" for instance, is the number of time.

60 seconds in a minute

60 minutes in an hour

24 (2+4=6) hours in a day

So given that, did Tesla ever seem to use that number in any way?
Above is the location of the New Yorker Hotel where Nikola Tesla died.

He spent the last 10 years of his life in room

3327 (3+3+2+7=15/1+5=6)

On floor

33 (3+3=6)

The hotel itself? Located at the intersection of 8th ave and W 34th street.


Died age=87=15/6
Yeah, so Tesla specifically chose to die in a location that could best be described as


Almost as if he coded himself out of space/time.
Ok so what else we got Numerology wise here?


The number of knowledge, and is seen as extremely powerful for manifestation in this realm, perhaps best examplified by phi or the golden ratio which = 1/1.618 (1+6+1+8=16/1+6=7)

Pattern can be seen at every level of the universe
What day did Tesla decide to die on?

January 7th

The first 7 day of the year. This has been seen as an powerful date by many cultures

In fact, in the Gregorian calander, it is the birth of christ (not dec 25th, the last 7 day of the year)

Christ conscious = full aether access
You know who else was born on January 7th?

@GG33___ , Gary Grinberg, no doubt the world's foremost expert in Numerology (would highly recommend looking into his courses/GG33 community)

& myself actually lol

Do I feel like we're here to spread Tesla's message?

A little bit lol
Well anyways, back to Trump

Anybody know how old he was on his first day in office?
Almost like he spemt his whole life preparing to be president

Those shitty real estate deals in Atlantic city, all those towers with his name on it, his reality show

Publicity stunts & branding

Perhaps this was Tesla's ultimate revenge against the bankers that ruined his life.
Lets kick it up one more notch

Why was Trump able to defeat the Clinton dynasty 2 win on his first ever run?

It could be thanks to the Wikileaks emails released by Julian Assange that showed the DNC had rigged the primaries for Hillary.

Below is Julian and Donald's Uncle John.
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