This thread is dedicated to all the semi- to deeply obscure queer films I have seen
Beautiful Thing probably isn’t obscure but I feel it’s fallen into obscurity - teen boys who live in council housing in London fall in love
Mysterious Skin - again only obscure in that it isn’t talked about a lot but then it is about the fallout of #csa! Young Joseph Gordon Levitt. Good movie but it fucked me up real bad
Breakfast with Scot is another not super obscure but not KNOWN one about a closeted ex hockey player and his partner taking care of his flamboyant nephew guys it makes me very sad in parts but also i feel many emotions
In & Out an absolute CLASSIC where schoolteacher Kevin Kline is outed by his former student during the oscars but he isn’t out. He makes out with Tom Selleck.
If you’re on tumblr you’ve probably seen a gif set for Big Eden which is very rom com set up of guy coming back to his hometown and the most pining per square inch ever
Mulligans is NOT a good movie imo but god do I think about it ALL THE TIME. Dude goes on vacation with his best friend’s family and HAS AN AFFAIR with his bff’s CLOSETED DAD look.......,,,,
Summer Storm, a German movie about a closeted kid pining for his best friend at rowing camp where there’s also an all-gay rowing team. Did my weird kink for people tenderly caring for each other’s sunburns originate here? ALMOST CERTAINLY
You almost CERTAINLY saw the short film for The Way He Looks about a blind boy and the new kid at school but they also turned into a FULL MOVIE and it’s so high school and teen and I LOVE IT
The Man of My Life (L’homme de sa vie) is one of my favorite movies even though it’s deeply melancholic. A married couple on vacation in the French countryside meet a gay artist. It really hits this note of soulmates but at what cost? ARGH IM THINKING ABOUT IT NOW
From Beginning to End (Do Começo ao Fim) which I watched on YOUTUBE which is a Brazilian movie about HALF-BROTHERS who are DEEPLY and PASSIONATELY in love
ATTN: @bessyboo
I broke the threading so here’s the rest
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