You probably know by now that the painting in the game teaser is called "Le radeau de la Méduse" by Théodore Géricault. It's one of those paintings in the Louvre that, once you've seen it... you NEVER forget it.

But do you know the story that's behind the painting?🧐

The Raft of the Medusa is based on the transcription of the real story of two survivors of the Medusa shipwreck.
Géricault spent THREE years researching and working on his painting that later became an icon of Romanticism but started with much controversy!

The book that the two survivors wrote, Savigny and Corréard, was published in 1817. There are several aspects in that book that are worth mentionning.

I have no intention of going into horrible details but most of the information is in French. I translated part of it.


The Echo and The Medusa were both doing the same route together but the captain of The Medusa mistook the Cap Blanc for a cloud and the ship went straight into the Banc d'Arguin.

The Echo sent flare signals to warn the Medusa but she did not reply.


These three words could directly be linked to BU in one way or another: lyrics, songs, visuals, VCRs, etc.

Titanic story:

The rich got into the lifeboats while the poor were left on the ship... Same thing happened here... only that it's one century earlier!
140 people got to STAND on a raft created from scratch the day of the shipwreck.

Titanic Story:

Anyone thinking of the phonebooth? With Rose words written in there?
"Paint me like one of your French girls"

Social inequalities and privileges... yet another BU topic.

Wine :

There was food on the raft at the beginning... but in order to keep the raft afloat with the 140 people on board, they chose to discard the food (flour, biscuits, etc) and kept wine barrels on board...

The only thing left to drink after several days was wine...


Of course Dionysus! And the lyrics that make me think it is a dark song at the end. Kill it, Steal it, The Illest...🤔

Drink (sippin’), arm (tippin’)
Thyrsus (grippin’), grape (eatin’)
Mood (keep it) D style (rip it)
Here (kill it) let’s steal it
The illest


No food, sunshine, wounded, drinking wine only... they went through hallucination/delirium/dreaming phases.
What is dream or rather nightmare? What is reality?


My Kafka on the Shore...

Animal/Primal Instinct:

With all of that, their rational selves is nowhere to be found. They fight, k*ll one another, throw the wounded to the sharks, etc. while eating whatever they can to survive...

Animal/Primal Instinct:

Could this behavior not be the ultimate manifest of the shadow taking over the human mind? Those people behaved in a way they would never have, had they known how they could survive...

Going from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde...


The shipwreck was not that far from land and on the eleventh day they saw a white butterfly come near them on the raft. For them it was a messenger, sent from heaven.

They started to hope again.


This butterfly actually was the reason for this whole thread! A butterfly linked here to hope!
We have a Butterfly song and a full concept based on the Papillon in HYYH Pt.2.

Hope/ Despair:

When the Argus appeared on the horizon (yellow dot), they started to hope. The painting describes this exact moment.

Yet it took a few hours for the Argus to get there and the survivors were torn between hope (blue pyramid) and despair (red pyramid).


Can you hear Sea lyrics?

I don't know, I don't know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit

15 people were rescued by the Argus. In the end, only 10 out of the 147 who went on the raft survived. Théodore Géricault will talk with both Savigny and Corréard to create his masterpiece. He painted both of them. Alive.

He died 5 years later.

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