This is going to be a long thread, and yes I know it’s presumptuous for me to think that anyone cares enough about what I say for me to write a thread but bare with me. This is important. #ScheerHomophobia
I was 7 when marriage became legal in Canada. I remember exactly where I was when my dad sat me down and told me that there was something important happening in our country, and that he thought I was old enough to learn about it.
My parents were under the impression that I didn’t know that same-sex couples existed. This was the first of many times where I believed that my parents thought I was dumb. Two of their closest friends were gay and were fixtures at our house for Christmas and birthdays.
I always knew that they were together. It was obvious to me. I had never heard the word gay before though. I taken aback that there was a word for men who love men, or women who love women. I was really confused that a person couldn’t just be with whoever they wanted.
What floored me was that up until then, it was illegally for gay people to marry. I always thought that only bad things like robbery or murder were illegal. I was SHOCKED that any form of (consensual) marriage was illegal. I didn’t get what people thought was so wrong about it.
I remember thinking to myself how weird it was for someone to be bothered by another person’s relationship. I didn’t see any difference between gay or straight couples. I never realized that love could be a bad thing in some people’s eyes.
Maybe I was a naïve child, but it really shook me to my core that gay marriage wasn’t legal before then. I had never encountered legal discrimination before then. I was even more upset that it wasn’t legal basically anywhere else, and being gay was a crime in many places.
It is troubling to me that the moral compass of a recent grade one grad was better than that of Andrew Scheer. His speech in the HoC in 2005 was repulsive, and derogatory to say the least. I don’t care that the video was from 2005. His opinion towards gay marriage has not changed
Andrew Scheer voted against gay marriage in 2005. He voted to reopen the same sex marriage debate in 2006. He voted against trans rights in 2016. He hasn’t been to one pride parade.

His opinions have not evolved.
(Which no one should be shocked by, because he’d have to believe in evolution for that to happen).
This election will define Canada. Canadians have the choice to say no to populism and right-wing division and discrimination. Canada has always been an example for other countries (Harper years aside lol) and this is our time to prove ourselves to the rest of the world.
Canadians have a choice. They can vote to be an ally for LGBTQ+ Canadians, for minorities, for immigrants, for indigenous Canadians, for the lower & middle class, for women, and for students. Or they can vote for a man who is full of hatred for anyone who is different than he is.
Andrew Scheer is not fit to be the Prime Minister of Canada. A prime minister should represent all Canadians. A prime minister should not govern by their personal religious beliefs, and use their faith as an excuse to discriminate. Andrew Scheer is a homophobe.
A vote for Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party is a vote for homophobia, and bigotry.* I think we can do better than a man who compares gay marriage to a five legged dog. #ScheerHomophobia

*and a vote against science, and the environment, and a good economy but I digress
I just wanted to add how proud I am of all the Liberals who fought for gay marriage. It the moment I realized that I was a Liberal. Gay marriage was legalized in Canada July 20th 2005 I started going to Liberal events and volunteering August 2005.
I realized then how important voting is, because who you vote for can determine the fate of millions of people’s lives. Voting is a responsibility that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you value equal rights, please do not vote for Andrew Scheer this October. #ScheerHomophobia
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