Last night I was in a loo and a woman entered the only other stall crying. I did the awkward shout over and asked if she was ok or wanted to talk about it, or needed a hug
She was crying because she missed her mum, who had died. And wanted a hug
So while she was weeing I did the decent noise covering thing of ladies loos and read her this poem:
When she came out she asked for my name and mobile number and because it’s very difficult to say no to a woman crying about the death of her mother, I gave them to her.
And later on last night I got this text:
So I suppose the lesson here is always force unsolicited poetry on crying strangers?
Anyway, this warmed me during a tricky week. Also it’s a bloody great poem and it’s rare to get such a perfect opportunity to loudly speak it through a loo door and over the sound of the weeing and weeping of a sad stranger
“listen I love you joy is coming”
Follow @kim_addonizio - the one who put those great words in such a kind order
Also, “a woman” -> “a young woman” so PROGRESS!!
You can follow @agnesfrim.
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