We're working towards getting #solarpanels! Hopefully installing before winter this year. We will share here as we go!
First frustration: regulations that say we're not allowed to install more than we use, and we use less than the average house. We want to add tankless water heater, and get some use out of our new AC in the future, so we plan to increase our load, but we have to prove it.
We are very lucky to be able to do this. Having a fairly new roof is one of the criteria.
Current plan is 6.16kW, which will produce 5775kWh/yr. I'm trying to get that increased on the basis of the AC we just installed but barely used because of the cold weather.
Sounds like the AC will justify increased capacity!
Had our on site assessment, signed paperperwork, and put down a deposit. Found out new rules are coming in Oct 1 requiring a glare assessment. Our applications will be in before that. About 6 weeks for paperwork from here. Panel install in October.
If we increase usage later we can install more panels, but that's not the most efficient way to go about it.
I confirmed we can add batteries later (for power during grid outages) but it's not worth the money right now. If there is a black out on the grid, we lose power too, even if it's sunny out.
Our AC justified some increased capacity, but not as much as we were hoping. Plus the contract explicitly states we are not allowed to generate more than we consume on an annual basis. #solarpanels
We are now planning to install 8.4kW, should generate 7625kWh/yr.
Aha! There's something about AC vs DC capacity?? I don't know, I'm not an electrical engineer. Apparently we're getting the 9.6kW we asked for! That's as much as we can fit on our roof.
Learned something today! It's normal to over install the producing capacity of the panels vs the capacity of the inverters. EPCOR is interested in the inverter capacity, while the proposal listed the panel capacity I guess? https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=35372
Permits are in! We're scheduling installation for next month! #solarpanels
Anxiously waiting for the installers to arrive... #solarpanels
They're here! But we might need to wait until spring to install says the crew who came. Funny how the people in the office didn't say so. I know I have a ticking clock from the time the rebate application is submitted, so I'll need to check that.
Sounds like this is the first winter they are trying winter installation
Looking like rescheduling until February or March. Too icy. It meets the window we need for the rebate. If you are thinking of doing this, start your paper work early! The paperwork really delayed us outside the length of time budgeted for it. #solarpanels
I'm looking at my substantially cleared roof and thinking about the #solarpanels installation that was supposed to start today, now indefinitely postponed. I paid 90% of the costs ~5mo ago. I hope we'll still get our rebate from the city if it doesn't happen in the 6mo window.
Mounting hardware going up on the roof today! #solarpanels
Garage mounting equipment done. #solarpanels tomorrow.
#solarpanels going up today! Won't be able to hook them up and use them until at least June because of the pandemic though.
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