::rubs eyes, sighs:: White supremacy *is* fascism. End of day, the goal is to empower an authoritarian caste-based system of governance, in part by scapegoating black& brown "enemies of the state." For fuck's sake, people, we're *living* it; come on, keep up.
Fascist systems are in-progress in lots of countries right now. The American manifestation of it is unique in some ways having to do with our history & economy (see #1619Project) -- e.g. the flattening of ethnic hierarchies and historical enmities for most ppl with white skin.
But in most ways, the modern American version really isn't that unique. It's eugenics-driven: see panic over whiteness being somehow "diluted" or threatened, and attempts at state control of women & reproduction to serve whiteness. It's resource-driven and military-jingoistic.
So, Same Old Hitlerish Shit, Different Day: pick a group to valorize via political power and supposed shared cultural values; make 'em up if you have to. Pick a group to villainize; try to wipe them out. Start a war, or try to, to justify the totalitarian takeover.
Reinforce with, in our modern era, a surveillance state and disinformation in addition to media control; shake, bake.

But in the US, it's all centered around race. Racism is systemic discrimination in service to white supremacist ideals. White supremacists want fascism.
Do most American white supremacists identify with the party of Mussolini? No -- prob 'cause American education is shit and half of us haven't heard of him.🙄 But make no mistake: American white supremacists want what he had. They want Hitler's "success" in murdering Jews et al.
(Except here, I'm pretty sure they will -- are beginning to -- murder the brown people first. They're busy setting up Jim Crow 2 for black & indigenous folks; a society like ours has to have an underclass! But they're esp. terrified of Latinx people's reproductive power. Anyway.)
So I am uninterested in quibbling over whether racism is fascism. That just tells me I'm dealing with either someone who doesn't understand the systemic nature of racism, or someone who's busy squinting at individual leaves as a way of denying the forest slowly swallowing us all.
(RE the latter -- look, we all cope in our own ways, but at least try not to cope in ways that *aid* fascism by obfuscating it, denying its seriousness or complexity, or apologize for it. [Yes, "It was only racism" is fascism apologia.])
tl;dr John W. Campbell was a fucking fascist, @jeannette_ng was right, and the name of the awards should be changed. #FightFascismEveryDay
My headspace for about the last 24 hours:
(I saw this little cartoon first on Tumblr years ago. Anybody knows the artist, lmk so I can tag them!)
This seems to be the artist's Insta: https://www.instagram.com/llamapallooza/ 
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