Mars in Virgo needs to feel useful, they enjoy working and being busy. I personally find they are better suited for careers that require precision over speed
If you have natal Mars in Virgo you will Experience your “Mars return” this occurs every 23 months, this is a pivotal time for focusing on action, career and exerting energy. It’s time to get shit done
#Mars in Virgo is known for being disciplined. With this placement you want to be aware of your habits where are you habitually placing your energy. Virgo is linked to the sixth house of health, habits and rituals habits can be healthy or unhealthy
#Mars in #Virgo Is going to be an analytical placement for Mars this Mars sign is ruled by mercury so your action will first get filtered intellectually
Not everyone takes action based on intellects Mars in cancer will take action based on how they feel, Mars in Aquarius will have energy that is sporadic I have Mars in Taurus my action is often linked to money and investment.
Anyone that has personal planets in Virgo wants to be aware of getting lost in insignificant details. That can be Mars, Venus, Mercury, Rising.... you have to ask yourself is this significant
“this is a good position for a career in the medical field and you are often a good gardener. With difficult aspects you must avoid being overly critical scheming or suspicious”
#Mars in #Virgo
The Only Way to Learn Astrology
Dr Terry Dubrow has Mars, Mercury and Sun in Virgo. I always think to myself if I ever need breast implants that’s where I’m going
Mars in #Virgo strengths :
Methodical, critically careful, and above all precise approach. Optimal expenditure of energy and means to reach a goal love the detail and fastidious precision
Keywords for Astrology
Mars in #Virgo Problem Area
Pendantic, Overscrupulous, too critical, dull and apathetic
Keywords for Astrology
Ways of fighting Mars in #Virgo
Sharp or incisive criticism, obstinate nagging
Keywords for Astrology
Mars is where we spend a lot of our energy and it’s the way we fight but it’s not just by sign placement, you also have to look at the house it’s placed in and aspects it makes
Virgo itself is the sign of the craftsman and people with this placement are willing to spend considerable time perfecting the finer details of the task at hand
-Stephen Arroyo
Those with Virgo Mars are notoriously hard-working to the extent that their jobs so dominate their lives and obsess be a worry some mines that little time remains for anything else including healthy relationships
-Stephen Arroyo
I want you to keep in mind a lot of complexities that come with the sign of Virgo. Sado masochistic tendencies, never feeling worthy enough, seeking perfection.... this is a complicated sign. So with mars in Virgo they’re going to feel that the action is never good enough
You know I always say perfectionism is an assault on the soul it’s an ideal that we can never attain
Even when a Virgo Mars person is not competent they are picky and faultfinding and tend to insist that others do it their way. Virgo Mars people seek order in all things...
-Stephen Arroyo
Asserts self modestly, helpfully, analytically, dutifully, sometimes with petty criticism-Stephen Arroyo
#Mars in #Virgo
“The hyper analytical mind says present a dilemma in relationships if they focus it on themselves they become tied up in knots of doubt overly self-conscious or if they focus it on the partner it is rarely appreciated and often makes the other person understandably defensive”
If you’re trying to attract somebody that has planets in Virgo sometimes it helps to appear helpless
I need help with my job, I need a career, I don’t know how to do this they love a project...It probably enhances their self-worth on some level
The archetype and pathology of sadomasochist psychology is reflected by the soul who Mars in Virgo. depending on the specific conditions the mars in Virgo person will either create masochistic or sadistic conditions for itself at specific moments in time

Jeffrey Wolf Green
The mars in Virgo reflects a soul whose desire to penetrate and understand the nature of its core feeling of our aloneness and emptiness. Their attempts to escape from this inner aloneness that keeps them doing one thing after another does not work
-Jeffrey Wolf Green
Mars in Virgo is a placement unless otherwise aspected that needs to be busy so a lot of times when we need to be busy we avoidant of our own inner shit. “ stop the glorification of a busy life”
“ Mars in Virgo will realize (hopefully) that the essence of this inner aloneness and emptiness is created by the evolutionary need to embrace a spiritual reality that is practiced on a daily basis to connect the person with the higher will”
A lot of times when we’re talking about earth placements they are very tangible motivated -what can I touch -can I see the money in my bank -can I see the work in my hand and there’s a need to connect with what we cannot be seen
When we are talking polarities we are talking about our opposing sign that has much to teach us so Virgo and Pisces have much to teach one another Virgo placements needs to get beyond this plane and incorporate a daily spiritual practice. To get out of the mind
“ sexually speaking mars in Virgo will express itself through the pathology of sadomasochism. The range of expression can be from an absolute denial of anything sexual to a total absorption into sexuality as a primary focus in life- sexual addiction”
I always say people with placements in Virgo often suffer from various addictions and I get kick back from so many people like boo you don’t understand the sign they will have many habits and complexities
The Mars in Virgo person can desire to be consumed through physical sexual intensity on a repetitive compulsive basis as a way of feeling full in order to replace the sense of inner emptiness

-Jeffrey Wolf Green
Some celebrities with mars in Virgo
Barack Obama, Johnny Depp, Britney Spears, Ariana Grande mother Theresa, Charles Manson, Ben Affleck, Bruno Mars, George Michael, Woody Harrelson, Gordon Ramsay, Stevie Nicks, Ciara, Ernest Hemingway, Amber Rose, Dita Von Teese
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