Here's a thread on something that will interest only a select few people - the mystery of the Zelda's Adventure skateboarder.

This unusual sprite was discovered by Shikotei in June while he was ripping sprites and maps from Zelda's Adventure. (
The sprite is loaded near the lake in the Forest of Canvula, but he never shows up while playing. Due to where he was found and what he was standing on, he was initially believed to be a surfer.
A couple of weeks later, I was researching Adventure's many, many unused voice lines for a TCRF page. One of these lines caught my attention - it featured a man saying "Radical, dude! Totally!". You can listen to it here;
After discovering the line, I put two and two together and came to the conclusion that the unused surfer said it, and that he was an easter egg that hadn't been discovered until now. As of right now, I still don't know how to activate him, whether through waiting or inputs.
That would be the end of the story had I not been recently browsing through Interactive Dreams, a blog dedicated to documenting the Philips CD-i. One of the posts there linked to a Nintendo Player article about Food Dude, an unreleased CD-i title...
...which was developed by Viridis, who created Adventure. The article detailed how one of the game's miniatures went up for sale on eBay, and included interviews with Viridis staff on what the game was all about, and how bad it was.
In a nutshell, Food Dude was an unbelievably 90s autoscroller that was themed around health. You controlled a skateboarder who had to dodge junk food and unhealthy things, or else he'd get attacked by personifications of said things and possibly die of a heart attack. Seriously.
The game didn't get very far before it was scrapped. All that exists of the game are some pictures of the miniatures, and a gameplay screenshot that came from the portfolio of one of Viridis' animators.

And look who's here... it's the surfer from Adventure!
So, yeah. What was initially believed to be a surf-themed developer joke in a CD-i Zelda game turned out to be previously-unseen content from an unreleased CD-i skateboarding game, which might be accessible as an easter egg through a currently unknown method.
Personally, I think it's accessed by naming yourself "FOODDUDE" or "SKATEDUDE" and then heading over to the spot where the skateboarder is loaded, but anything's possible.


The thread's over now. You can go home.
Update: I found out how to activate the easter egg. It is over - finished.

See more details here.
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