Mundane astrology time: US immigration! This thread is an ongoing series, studying solar return charts & transits of significant US immigration events & laws.

But first let’s study the US natal chart (Sibley), which shows that US has been anti-immigration since its inception.
US natal chart (Sibly): AC in Sag; makes sense that its identity & image are all about life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness.

9H = foreign people. 9H in Leo, it’s ruler Sun in 8H Cancer. 8H = death, fear. Also in the 8H is AC ruler Jupiter. Both in aversion to AC and 9H.
Cancer Sun centers around home. Welcoming but fiercely protective against threats to home. 8H placement amplifies these fears.

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Its placement in Cancer expands faith in home/country. But 8H placement also expands fears. Overprotectiveness results.
But US needs laborers—slaves, indentured servants, migrant workers, etc. 6H = laborers. 6H Taurus ruled by Venus in Cancer 8H!

Rulers of labor (6H), foreigners (9H), & national identity (1H) in 8H (fear). All have Cancerian tone of protecting country & citizens from threats.
But are these threats real? Check out Pluto Capricorn. Pluto = power struggles, transformation.

Pluto opposes 4 planets in Cancer, ruling most houses, including angular ones.

Oppositions have planets in tug-of-war. Opposition w Pluto intensifies power struggle.
Ironically, when it comes to immigration, US creates its own problems.

7H Mars shows this. 7H = relationships w friends AND enemies. US violence against its allies & enemies caused waves of immigration (eg. Vietnam, Philippines). 7H Mars ruled by Mercury in Cancer 8H (fears).
Cancer ruled by Moon in Aquarius 3H. Moon signifies one’s needs. Moon in Aquarius needs to focus on greater good. Because were talking about a country here, 3H significations of “siblings” could mean those who we deem as kin, or citizens.
But who is a citizen? Who gets to decide this? Who belongs in the U.S.?

U.S. independence from Britain was officially declared in 1776. The Constitution was ratified in 1788 & originally did not specify any rules or regulations re: citizenship or immigration.
US immigration & astrology, part 2:
1790 Naturalization Act, the 1st Citizenship law in the United States.
US immigration & astrology, pt. 2:

Immigration and anti-immigrant sentiment peak in 1854
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