1 Future trump speeches & rallies should be called “The Farewell Tour.” The thing about trump’s dementia that’s difficult for ppl to grasp is- It steadily worsens. What ppl see in 3, 6, 9 months will be far worse than today. He’s had multiple foundations crumble- w/ more coming
2 trump is a unique case. His med info is hidden & distorted. He won't get a neurological exam bc he knows it’s a one way ride from the WH. There are no a medical baselines to compare, like yr over yr MRIs or work ups. There is a ton of behavioral & video evidence of his decline
3 The public is watching him degrade every day in multi malfunctioning display of incompetence & psychosis.

If it was put it to music… it would like the Spiral Staircase song…
“Trump is even worse today, than yesterday
But not as bad as tomorrow”
4 trump was lost in the space / time continuum today. Being off on time by nearly 3 1/2 hours is the type of thing dementia patients do. They aren't on camera bc they have families protecting them from public humiliation. Not the trump enablers & grifters. https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1161346802416848896?s=20
5 Like a tomato rotting on the vine, trump is still making appearances & degrading before our eyes. They are trying to extend this fiasco while trump stays deep in denial, too cowardly to face his condition, w/ zero concern for what it's doing to America. https://twitter.com/tomjchicago/status/1160702995467780096?s=21
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