The Men's Right Movement is a cesspool of reactionary, anti-woman, Victim Playing halfwits.
“Feminists will not talk about this"
“But if it was a man now...”
“This won't trend because it's a man”
They are a bunch of pea brained empty headed misogynists.....
...adamant at perpetuating the Patriarchal power structures which largely favour men & largely oppress women, while at the same time using the marginal ways in which it hurts lower class men to argue that men are in fact it's primary victims(wonder y they defend it so much then).
Imagine in a system where women bear almost the entire burden of primary child care while at the same time contributing financially, they claim that the Family Court system is biased against Men for favouring women by awarding them custody of the children they(women) care for.
These same men would come with their, “it's natural that women take care of children" BS. “fAmIlY vAlUeS”

They constantly cherry pick the areas of women's health that does get research funding and use that to validate their self-victimization. Meanwhile men's health receive more
..funding than that of women. In fact, a lot if the knowledge we have any diseases that affect both men and women(and their treatment) is based in research on men. This is partly because across the world male scientists receive way way more funding than their female counterparts.
But MRAs, these fucking idiots, they will take say Breast Cancer research funding and contrast it with Prostrate Cancer Research funding while completely ignoring the fact that Breast cancer is almost twice as common as Prostrate cancer and also affects men.
Don't even dream of ever finding them independently creating awareness for Prostrate Cancer or Breast cancer affecting Men.
Everything about their impotent reactionary ideology is based on discrediting feminism. They really don't care about about anything else.....
...other than preserving the Patriarchy which they've tied their egos to.
This is telling in how they approach rape. Imagine being more concerned by false accusations against men than they are about actual rape against men(which is a joke to them) despite the former being more
common. Are they trying to get a better more fully fleshed definition of rape that protects male victims of sexual violence? No.
They in fact oppose it because it's a “feminist plot” against men.

The Nigerian branch is nothing short of ClownHQ. Immersed in rape apology and..
...the justification of violence against women. In fact they wake up and start thinking of all the instances when violence against women can be justified “since feminism wants equality".
Their stupidy stretches to astounding lengths. They insist for instance, that equality.....
...of economic opportunity is unacceptable until women bear exactly ½ of financial burdens. Because money to do that will fall into women's purses from Beyoncé's Heaven. They insist on not understanding consent and instead trivialize it. They constantly make a fool of themselves.
It's a shame how much they consistently undermine and work against issues affecting poor and low income men by making them dog whistles for anti-egalitarian rhetoric.
All they want is for their childish egocentric self victimization to be validated & for feminist ideals to fail.
They are a shambolic movement of manbabies that refuse to have a sense of worth outside the domination of Women.
If you see Men's Rights Activist on their profile, that's all the red flag you need. There are no sensible men left in The Men's Right Movement.
You can follow @Kayode_ani.
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