reasons to love sebastian stan: a birthday thread!
his eyes, i've never related to mackie more than when he said "those steel blue eyes let you know where home is. that's my safe place" about his eyes because look at them
he's such a giving person. he really writes long paragraphs offering his fans advice and making sure they're okay
remember those fans who were waiting to meet him and he literally went outside in his pajamas just to make them happy?
he cares so much for people. he knows he's lucky to be where he is and always wants to give back
he's a giant space nerd and this was his reaction when he went to nasa and one of the astronauts said that his kids were excited to meet the winter soldier, he couldn't stop smiling
black is his happy color
when he couldn't stop talking about how his mom didn't stay for his post credit scene in black panther, poor thing
when he accidentally walked into tom hiddleston's booth and then proceeded to draw on his face
that time he posted his first ig story and he thought it was a live video instead pleaseee lmaosjs
he was at the airport and he met with fans but security told him he had to leave and he didn't care so he had to be pulled away like a kid
did i mention that he loves his fans so much he calls them "friends"?
his friendship with his co-stars and the fact that he always has nice thing to say about them and vice versa
"she always looks beautiful, she's being very modest"

i. will. never. shut. up. about. this. he is the cutest
the way he smiles really hard he gets eye crinkles. I'M ABOUT TO DROP THE L* WORD

when he hosted a party for the stunt team of civil war and made them feel appreciated
when we thought he didn't feel loved and/or appreciated and we were worried but he said he knows how much we love him and that he loves us too jdkdjdj
he's the world's number one bucky barnes stan, wbk!
the face he makes whenever he hears someone else speaking romanian
ok im gonna stop here because i have things to do kskkksks but i'll continue later đź’• i love himmm
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