thread of fave dickkory scenes from titans ✨❤️
i really liked their first meeting, even though we didn’t get the iconic first kiss, i loved their reactions towards one another. kory’s dry “take a number” remark and dick’s annoyed yet intrigued response still kills me
very underrated scene but i love how she gives him such great advice, and how he actually followed through by telling rachel that she wasn’t alone later in the ep. plus look at the way he looks at her 🥰 if you notice in this scene he sneaks a lot of little glances at her 👀
another tiny scene that i love lol. this is when they’re driving up to the motel. kory says that she likes his van and he checks her out as a response 😭
I LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH 😩 everything from the way kory tries to get him to open up, how dick can’t help but open up just a little bit, their smiles, the way they look at each other 😭😭
the infamous sex scene lol. i was surprised by how intimate it was. the way they looked at each other, the way he stroked her face and rubbed his thumb over her chin, the way he picked her up. i hope we get more love scenes next season, more in the style of h&d’s in ep 9 🤞🏻
another cute little moment is when that grandma went to dick’s motel room and knocked on the door and dick opened it thinking it was kory 😂 idk i just found it sweet that she was so stuck on his mind that he automatically assumed that it was her
oof the scene where she first shows her power is a good one too. he looks shocked, impressed, and excited all at the same time 😂
this part before the sex was on another level tho! i love that he keeps his eyes on her the whole time while he takes the shot glass out of her hand, and it’s so cute how kory starts playing w her hands and gets all shy 🥰
i love this scene bc it feels so natural. dick doesn’t have to tell her about jason being his replacement, but he does anyway. it shows that despite how guarded he is, he truly wants to open up. and kory’s so cute and flirty here, and i love dick’s laugh when she teases him 🥰
another tiny yet significant moment! i love how soft his voice got, and the way he was looking at her, you can tell he was so worried ☹️ and the way he helped her off the table tho 😫😩
❤️!!! kory wearing his shirt, him watching her sleep, THEM IN THE SAME BED?? also it’s so cute how they haven’t known each other that long and they’re already so domesticated. also the dreamy way dick looks at her before she wakes up is so aksksks. one of my fave scenes tbh
this boy really went and reached for her huh??? they were “breaking up” here but you can tell he didn’t want to leave her. he adores her sm and it’s especially visible in this whole scene 🤧
the soft moment when they agree to try it again sometime 🥰 i love the way they look at each other here and how they both seemed so genuine, and even hopeful, towards the possibility of beginning a real relationship in the future
have i mentioned how much i love this scene??? anyway this shot really showcases how lonely dick really is. the way he looks at the empty spot where kory was and how he still has his arm on her pillow is just 🤧 you can see how sad he is about leaving her and the team
LITERAL BABIES! kory gives him cute little heart eyes and dick just giggles and blushes in response. her playing with his zipper was so precious and the general vibe of this scene was so heartwarming. brenton and anna’s chemistry just really blows me away
I FUCKING LOVE HOW DICK IS W HER HERE. for me, it was really made clear how he’s really fallen hard for kory. i remember before this ep was gonna come out, i was scared that their relationship was gonna get ruined cause of him finding out about her mission to kill rachel. 1/3
i thought they were gonna have dick feeling angry and betrayed and being completely on rachel’s side. but what does he do?? he leaves rachel inside the house, which isn’t exactly wise considering the girl literally just got choked lol, and goes after kory. 2/3
look at how he reaches for the car 😭 he’s just so worried and desperate to help her. the way he begs her to talk to him is so ugggh. he truly was just so supportive and caring towards her despite the situation, i was really pleasantly surprised when i first watched this 💖
“she’s not a killer, she kills people sometimes but-“ 😩😩he was so quick to defend kory from donna, and him having so much faith in her being a good person was so 🥰 dick just showed a really defensive and protective side when it came to kory that i wasn’t expecting
a plus is donna being so quick to find out that her baby bro is completely lovesick 😂
despite my issues with this ep, dickkory was def not one of them. his constant support and worry for kory made it feel as if they’d known each other for years. the way he looks at here here + his little nod when kory says that she loves rachel says so much 💖
he genuinely looks so excited when they find her ship here, i really think he’s just happy about finding out that he fucked an alien 😭 it makes me wonder what his reaction is gonna be when he and the team find out she’s a princess 👀
i can’t tell whether dick is looking at kory to keep her in the conversation or if he’s trying to peak at her while she’s changing 🗿 idk even though they were driving back to save rachel, i liked how he was still focused on kory too and what she was up to
OOF THIS WHOLE SEQUENCE WAS SO HOT. detective dickkory lasted a whole 5 seconds but wooo what a moment. peep kory checking out her man tho 👀 a crime that they were both looking this good and not together in this alternate reality.
LMAO. this scene was so petty but so great to watch. to me this whole scene was meant to completely dismantle the possibility of dickdawn. to explain, dick is on the phone arguing about hank w dawn, when suddenly kory is calling. dick could’ve ignored her call and stayed (1/)
on the line w dawn. hell he could’ve just dropped everything to go back to her. but he instead tells dawn that he’s gonna talk to kory, which leads to this line. this heavily implies that whenever kory is involved or needs something from dick, he’s instantly willing to (2/)
drop everything, including dawn, to help her. this is significant, cause realistically, dawn should be one of his top priorities in this dream, he’s known her much longer than kory and has history w her. in the real world, he’s only known kory for a month at most (3/)
the fact that kory’s causing such significant drama in his fake relationship w dawn, despite dream!kory encouraging him to go back to dawn & despite them not knowing each other that long, shows just how much impact kory has had on dick’s life and thoughts in such a short time.
now that i’m on this subject, lemme talk about this. dick is not in love w dawn. i actually don’t think he ever was. in ep 2, it’s made clear that dawn is still very smitten w him, and heartbroken over him leaving her. but i never once got the same vibe from him (1/)
in this ep he shows no jealousy or bitterness over h&d being together, he firmly tells rachel that what happened between him & dawn is all in the past, only for her to say it’s not for DAWN. we see dawn reminiscing about dick but we never see dick do the same (2/)
he cares about her, but i never saw him show any romantic interest towards dawn in present time. hell, dawn is in a coma for most of the season and we never get any scenes of dick worrying or even thinking about her! the nuclear fam were the ones who nearly killed her but (3/)
we never see him hold any personal vendetta toward them for doing so. compare that to his reaction to bruce killing kory, quite interesting 👀 now, talking about the hallucination. right before dick went into that lucid state, donna mentioned how he fucked things up w dawn (4/)
he makes this guilty ass expression that makes it clear that he does feel really remorseful for hurting dawn. it’s not a coincidence that right after donna makes that comment that we see this dream ep about dick & dawn living in this weirdly perfect life. (5/)
trigon saw his guilt about messing up his relationship w dawn and created this world where dick is a real stand-up guy, a world where he wasn’t the villain who broke dawn’s heart. a world where he’s a good father and a loving father figure to rachel & gar. (6/)
this dream symbolizes dick wanting to remedy his guilt and his negative feelings about himself. later in this ep, the possibility of dickdawn ever being a real thing gets destroyed with that scene of them arguing about kory & hank. plus dick sacrificing his life w dawn (7/)
bc of kory’s death also says a lot. even though kory was dead, bruce was alive but vulnerable. it would’ve been so easy for dick to take bruce and turn him in & go back to his “perfect” life. but dawn and his kids never even crossed his mind. (8/)
him being w dawn also makes it easier for him to fall into darkness. if he and kory had been together in that au, kory would’ve stopped him from going or gone w him to confront bruce. here, dawn is kind of an enabler, adding to the toxic idea that dick is the only one (9/)
who can save bruce, dream!jason also does this. trigon isn’t dumb, he’s not gonna have people like kory or donna, who’s also an extremely positive influence in his life yet isn’t even mentioned in the au, be all that involved with dick, not when he wants him to go dark
also pls don’t take this as hate towards dawn. she’s a cutie who deserves better 🕊
god she’s such a great influence on him. even though this was dream! kory, it shows just how positive of an influence she has on his mind. i saw someone say that dick was using her here as a sort of lifeline to not go into the darkness, and i really believe that (1/)
she truly wants the best for him, dream or not, and always gives him the best advice, without sounding too aggressive but not holding back from the truth either.
oh god....oh fuck. where do i even begin? ok so i despise how kory has to die to fuel dick’s manpain, she’s a lot stronger than how they depicted in this sequence, plus i dislike the idea of a black woman dying just to move the story along, dream or not (1/2)
BUT i can’t deny how significant this is when it comes to dickkory. LOOK at his face here, he’s so wounded when he finds her dead. he literally looks like he’s about to burst into tears (2/)
TRIGON AIN’T SHIT. he fucking knew this would break dick. dick killed the man who’s basically a father to him, his mentor, and literally forgot all about his fake family, bc of kory. he could’ve easily apprehended bruce here and gone home to his “perfect” life (3/)
but instead he decided to avenge kory. for me this is when shit turned legit, that’s when i realized dick isn’t just infatuated w kory or just sexually attracted to her, he’s completely in love w her. i think trigon mentioned that a person can’t completely (4/)
give into the darkness until their heart breaks. that would mean that seeing kory get killed broke dick’s heart 😭😭😭 (5/)
LOL dick is literally standing in a room full of massacred people and only says you killed HER. he could’ve said you killed them, but he focuses specifically on what he did to kory. there’s a lot of weight behind that wording that i don’t even know how to describe idk (6/6)
heart eyes grayson is back y’all 🥺 the way he looks at her is what gets me bc you can really see the love in his eyes. he looks like he has sm he wants to tell her, but he doesn’t even know where to start. brenton does such a great job of making dick look so smitten w kory 🥰
kory is so cute here 🥺 it’s clear that she’s hurt over dick not reaching out to her, but she tries so hard to be nonchalant. kory’s usually such a direct person, so the fact that she’s avoiding eye contact w donna here proves how affected she is by the situation
OH GOD THIS CRUMB WAS SO GOOD. look at the way his eyes light up, the way his face immediately softens, the way his mouth slightly gapes open. brenton brings sm intensity to the dickkory moments, he makes dick look so affected by kory’s presence it’s amazing 😭
HE LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE HE IN A TRANCE HERE LMAO. donna looks smitten as hell here too tbh 👀 the dopey, shocked looks they both have on their faces here is hysterical tbh
same scene but i saw a comment on this and i just had to mention it. there’s movement in the bg, but dick is completely still, looking closely at this scene, it makes it seem like the whole world has stopped from his perspective just bc kory’s back ❤️
THIS WHOLE CONVERSATION. it’s been 3 months and they really haven’t lost any progress in terms of their relationship. it’s really sweet how dick immediately opened up to her about what happened to garth and the og titans, while he hid it from rachel, gar, and jason.
the amount of trust he has in her is great. also, the flirty compliment about her hair was gold
GODDDD THE CRUMBS. the fact that the og team had no idea that dick was gonna turn himself in to slade, despite knowing him for YEARS, but kory, who still hasn’t known him for a long time, immediately knew what he was planning and went to go have his back says so much
donna is his BEST FRIEND, and even she had no idea. kory knows dick so well it’s amazing 😭
i have my gripes about the fight sequences this season, but this was one of the better ones. dick and kory immediately operated as a team, you take a look at this and you swear that they’ve been fighting together for years. just imagine a scene like this with their suits 🥳
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