Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are leading an army to a rendezvous point, and they are late. Chen says to Wu: "What’s the penalty for being late?"
Wu: "Death"
Chen: "And what’s the penalty for rebellion?"
Wu: "Death"
Thus began the Dazexiang Uprising. the Qin dynasty never recovered
Please don't rise up, that would be colossally stupid. But look, justified or not, American whites are beginning to feel like Chen Sheng; it doesn't matter what you do or how you think, you're a racist
If a left pundit says "Whites, we're replacing you" then hurray and if a right-wing pundit says "Whites, they're replacing you" then the pundit and everyone who listens is a bigot. This is called "the government elects a new people"; it’s funny and also true and also not funny
And separate from that is that bringing in smart conscientious people from outside the country depresses middle class wages, simple supply and demand, and if you object to THAT, same as before, it's because you're a racist
The high skill laborers who come in get to use the "shut up whitey" discourse to lord it over all the whites, even though the brown people in question tend to be richer and higher status than the Americans who are oppressing them with their unbearable whiteness
And there are more tenebrous issues yet, and they're each separate, nuanced, orthogonal, and all of the above are conflated and silenced with the magic word: racism. Hence Chen Sheng: What's the penalty for being an ally? And what's the penalty for being a racist?
But before we go all Dazexiang on a ninja, let's take a step back: having these thoughts has become associated with the "radical" right, that is, these thoughts are said to be part of a "fringe" ideology, but doesn't that mean the people who have them are "marginalized"?
People are absolutely desperate to be proud, not of what they have done (that would be boastful) but of WHO THEY ARE and having been denied "race" and "religion", the only thing left is "buttsex"
White people, I am told, are uniquely monstrous, a cancer on earth, who oppress and exploit every other race on the planet, and we owe an infinite debt that we can never repay, and there's no hope of redemption
The magic formula is: whites can’t be oppressed because some of them conquered half the world a long time ago, therefore every injustice against the average American white is justified
We have created a civic religion that worships racial oppression and then, having alienated most of our citizens from that holiness, proceeded to oppress them for their race. It’s obvious that everyone involved is enjoying the torture of this immensely
So if you're crazy & psychologically broken, there's a high chance that when you meet the masochism vortex of white identity and take it at face value instead of working yourself up into a masturbatory frenzy of self-abasing righteousness, then you end up like the El Paso shooter
As we watch people of all ideologies tell us we need their prescriptions now more than ever, it almost feels as if they DESIRE more shootings. They long for the transgression, because it allows them to briefly touch the divine
The ecstasy of moral self-abasement is unlocked through a ritual sacrifice. The transgression of the shooter that culminates in his death triggers an orgiastic procession of sacramental white anti-whiteness
We condition our shooters to shoot following a protracted process of isolation and attempted psychological modification; these students learn to play the part the system has assigned to them
Human sacrifice is a barbaric practice that we have put behind us, or, well, at least we let the sacrifices volunteer, but isn't it perverse that we also make them perform the ritual on themselves?
Shooter argument rock paper scissors: crazy people will justify their actions with whatever hot take is hot, ideology doesn't matter. OK but they shouldn't have guns. OK but laws don't stop bad people from getting guns. OK and bad people are bad, we need ideology to fix them
And if you question that ideology, no matter what you say or how nicely you say it, the inevitable response comes back, no thought, no intelligence, just pious seething "self"-flagellation. Nonwhites repeat these invocations because their white prog overlords encourage it
Which brings us to Chen Sheng. Did El Paso shooter write his manifesto? He might as well have because everyone can see that the white self-gaslighting is happening and the response is GASLIGHT HARDER, threaten white boys more.
Hey, Wu Guang, what’s the penalty for being white?
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