This is your yearly reminder that @ElsevierConnect has reported a gendered pay gap of 39.4% UK avg is 9.6%). This is the highest pay gap reported by a publisher.
That means that today is the first day of 2019 that women at Elsevier are effectively not being paid. AND, they will continue to be effectively unpaid (when compared to the male cohort) FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.
RELX would like us to remember that a major driver of this inequity is that men hold more senior level positions and women hold lower level positions.
In fact, since they recruit from STM fields and STM fields attract more men, it is natural (they claim) that there are more men in senior positions.
It must be difficult to control so many layers of the market, make US $9.8 billion in revenue last year, and still not be able to come up with a strong excuse for such blatant sexism.
Here's a thought: what if we didn't work for Elsevier for free for the rest of the year either?
I know P&T pressures are real. And sometimes the "important" journals are sometimes some of the 2,500 journals that E publishes. But maybe just skip it until January.
Maybe skip accessing those journals and adding to their data about your preferences, skip paying their APCs, skip reviewing, skip citing articles if a similar article provides the same information.
Or, take a positive action to actively seek and engage with other publishers who value women. And who support broad access to knowledge.

Take a small action in solidarity with women who are systematically excluded from success in STEM.
You can follow @calamityleila.
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