180 EUR / tCO2-eq = estimate of #ClimateCosts

by German Environment Agency @GermanEnvAgency "UmweltBundesAmt"

#airplane CO2: factor 2
#methane: factor 25
#N20: factor 298

https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/methodological-convention-30-for-the-assessment-of November 2018 page 8
Skeptical now, about 180€ per ton CO2-eq. #CO2price

I did an exercise today, figuring out what this #CO2tax would do with #MeatConsumption. Call it #meatTax or #meatCO2tax.

2 end results, depending on which organisation you ask about kgCO2-eq per 1kg beef.

See next tweets:
at 67.8 kg CO2-eq / 1 kg beef ( http://FAO.org  @FAO)

180 can lead to 33%-50% less meat purchases for the same budget (under ideal circumstances): https://twitter.com/drandreaskruger/status/1159491913256509440
at 13.3 kg CO2-eq / 1 kg beef ( http://BMU.de  @BMU)

180 can lead to 8%-20% less meat purchased for the same budget (under ideal circumstances): https://twitter.com/drandreaskruger/status/1159574754602496011
Note that "under ideal circumstances" won't happen as some customers

* buy cheaper meat
* move money from other topics to meat
* are too rich to bother

So the average meat consumption will NOT be reduced by 33%-50% or by 8%-20%.

But even if it did ...
Note that the factor 2-5 in the #EmissionIntensity estimates (67.8 versus 25.0 versus 13.3 kg CO2-eq per 1 kg beef product) seems to come from:

* (meat) versus (dairy+meat) animals
* world versus German averages
* reasons yet unknown to me

But even if we take the highest ...
#WorldOvershootDay has just taught us that Germany (and Israel) overshot the carrying capacity of Earth on May 3rd. See http://footprintnetwork.org . To move that date to the day of pure rationality, December 31st, we Germans must reduce overall consumption by 66.3%.
Not by 50%
Not by 33%.
Not by 20%. And
not by 8% which
* @BMU's 13.3 kgCO2eq/kg GermanBeef, with
* @GermanEnvAgency's 180€ / kgCO2eq damage,
* as #meatCO2tax on top of a 30€/kg beef price

would -under ideal circumstances- result in.

But by 66.3%.
⬆️ important because FOOD causes at least 12.4% (more due to #CH4 Methane) of an average German's GHG emissions: https://twitter.com/drandreaskruger/status/1159657110944264192
⬆️ important because #livestock is globally 14.5% of all #anthropogenic GHG emissions. And 44% of all #Methane #CH4 that we are causing.

#Meat #MeatCO2tax #CO2tax #MeatTax
Yes, it's good to instead cut down on plane flights, swap the car for public transport, share more buy less, (and start psychotherapy instead of anti-depressive consumption binges lol)
... but for simplicity, let's treat every sector equal:

Goal is to reduce food CO2eq by 66%.
Long story short:

1) To reach 66.3% reduction by #CO2tax only,
2) treating FOOD sector equally,
3) assuming @FAO's (25 kgCO2eq/kgWorldBeef) & @BMU's (13.3 kgCO2eq/kgGermanBeef)
4) at only 20€/kg #Beef prior price

the 180€ would have to be at least

1574 - 2958 €/kgCO2eq

... and again only under ideal circumstances.


Disclaimer: above tweets are only quick calculations, and might just be wrong! PLEASE you double check, it's very simple maths; also do more google searches, for different estimates of the input numbers. Thanks a lot.
Who solves puzzle? Ideas:

* #CO2tax is 1 tool; additionally: quota p. person + some prohibition + new tech + ?

* @GermanEnvAgency mentions 180 but also 640€ costs per 1 ton CO2eq; help understand the reasoning

* #meat is worse than @BMU & @FAO says?? https://twitter.com/drandreaskruger/status/1159569942590738432
See the new #meatCO2tax thread: https://twitter.com/drandreaskruger/status/1159963017574080519
> Skeptical about 180€ per ton CO2-eq

Here good pointers to dive into the debate about the #DiscountRate of

"1% pure rate of time preference"

which leads to 180€ not 640€ per 1 ton CO2

--> https://twitter.com/LucaBrunsch/status/1184569099764031489
Current #Co2price worldwide ~2$ / tCO2 https://twitter.com/jasonhickel/status/1297790748721664001
50 tCO2 ~ 1 human killed, approx.
Interesting thread: https://twitter.com/twibarth/status/1298669732716072961
You can follow @drandreaskruger.
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