I don’t think my non-Black American (African and Caribbean) Black folks realize how privileged y’all are to know your family origins. A lot of the talk about Black Americans trying to reclaim their cultural roots reeks of privilege and it’s disgusting.
Y’all can’t even fathom not knowing shit about your family beyond your grandparents. Imagine your grandmother being the only lifeline left to your family history and her memories are of being a sharecropper/slave. You could not imagine it because it’s not your reality
Instead you try to act as a gatekeeper to your culture and exclude Black Americans even though we’re cousins. That is some white shit. Mind you, Black Americans have never safeguarded our culture like that, yet y’all copy and covet it just like white people
Black culture goes the extra mile to validate our cultural norms by tying them to African roots and y’all love it, but hate us in the same breath. Make it make sense. The entire reason why there is even any stakehold in this country is because of us, even back to your relatives
Y’all wanna have diaspora wars when we try to bring recognition to the diaspora. One would think y’all would be proud that we’re still here and thriving even though we weren’t meant to.
Check your privilege before you make the dumb ass claim that someone of African descent shouldn’t try to claim African culture. Our culture thrives from having its roots from yours. Take pride in it or gtf out of our way.
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