You want to know how I know 100% how the deep state is going to lose? They pushed Cultural Marxism on pretty much the entire world. The weaponized political correctness and they hijacked other people's social justice causes to use as a club to bash anyone who doesn't conform.
Problem for them is.. They have to play by their own fake narrative, sacrifice their own puppets for the sake of political correctness. If a liberal offends anyone. They're done! If the deep state ignores it. They lose their weaponized political correctness. It's meaningless.
The majority of America, who's woke now. We understand your game. We don't give a Flying F. In fact we faux our own outrage when were not even offended just to screw you with your own scam. Use your own scam against you.
And I'll be honest. Anytime any liberal politician, any liberal TV star, any liberal music star says anything politically incorrect. I'm all over it with my faux outrage. Reality.. I'm not easily offended. However I'll be the first to say.. OH NO SHE Didn't!!!!
In the US. There is free speech. Anyone can say, feel, or think anything they want. Big problem for Cultural Marxism. If people don't conform then it's much easier if you can arrest them (Think Communism).
So if they can't censor people by law and arrest them. What can they do?

I don't know.. Perhaps take the massive corporations they own, like the 5-6 massive corporations that own 98% of our media. Then turn their media on anyone with influence/famous that doesn't conform.
Well how about non famous people. What about businesses, smaller than the big 6 corporations, etc... What if they don't conform and support the other side? If they are Pro-US, perhaps even "gasp" support anyone not liberal?
Chic-fil-A... Got slammed because they donated to Christian Churches. OMG!!!!!! Deep state can't have that! Every religion is supposed to be respected, beliefs be respected. Except Christianity.
The crowds in support of CFA after the MSM attacked them and reported liberals were going to boycott them. Hello Deep State! You can't tell us people's religions are sacred, and all should be respected, except for Christians. When the majority of the US are Christians.
You think for 1 minute the less than 5% of the Country who are hardcore leftist liberal ANTIFA college kids, who don't work, live with their parents... They can organize a boycott that could end any company, especially a company that is national???? Because they're triggered?
Hell no. It's the big 6 corporations and their media that keep the ruse alive. Media portrays the H/C lib 5% as the majority, your big corporations start pulling advertising money and/or services, banks pull credit/debit card processing services. That ends them. Not ANTIFA.
We the people, the patriots, the majority of our Country that love our Country. We don't support this stuff. Think NFL. We had a ANTIFA communist kneel during the national anthem. NFL immediately supported him. MSM supported him. That was your plan at the time.
Guess who didn't. The American People. The season ticket holders, the cable TV subscribers, the fans. NFL lost billions. In fact they had to switch their TV contracts to over the air TV from cable TV because they lost so many viewers.
Try to find anyone kneeling during the anthem now in the NFL....
Truth of the matter is. Almost no Americans are racist. We've currently have or had a minority president, a minority attorney general, minority congressman, minority Governors, minority Mayors, a majority of minority law enforcement in predominantly minority neighborhoods.
Yet if you watch TV you would think this is the worst racial problem we've had in history since the before the civil rights era.
I'm in my late 30's. I've never walked down the street and seen a group of people say "Hey, there's a minority, get em". I've never walked into a restaurant that had a sign that said no minorities. Never seen a company that wouldn't hire a minority.
If anyone can find one. Please tell. An actual business, corp, or bank that refuses minorities. Just one... In the entire US. Hell I'll help you protest. We can just post a video of a minority being refused. They'll be out of business in 24 hours.
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